Biden Wants You to Forget His Threat Because It Again Makes Him Look Foolish


“I promise you; those people will pay.  There will be an investigation underway now and there will be consequences.  There will be consequences.” – President Biden

“I want to assure you that we are addressing this with tremendous speed and tremendous force.  The facts will drive the action we take.  It will be completed in days, not weeks.  –  Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas


It was typical Joe Biden on September 19, 2021, when he went to the microphone to harshly condemn the Border Patrol men on horseback who were trying to control the flow of migrants along the river at Del Rio, Texas.

Accusing the agents of whipping the migrants, who were merely using their reins as they maneuvered their horses in and out of the river, Biden, who has no grip on the realty of what’s happening at the southern border, threw the officers under the bus.

“To see people treated like they did, horses barely running over, people being strapped – it’s outrageous,” he said. “I promise you; those people will pay.  There will be an investigation underway now and there will be consequences.  There will be consequences.” What a tough guy.

Appearing on “The View,” Vice President Harris also jumped to conclusions, saying it was “reminiscent of America’s ugliest history.  I was outraged by it. It was terrible and deeply troubling.”

If ever there was an occasion when White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki could have calmed the hysteria with a statement to wait for a review of events, it was during her press briefing on September 22, 2021, but instead, she said, “We’re not going to stand for that kind of inhumane treatment.”

“I want to assure you that we are addressing this with tremendous speed and tremendous force,” Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas told a House committee.  The facts will drive the action we take.  It will be completed in days, not weeks.  The investigation will be all-encompassing; we will not cut a single corner.  It will be a sweeping investigation.” 

In November, we learned that the DHS Office of Inspector General had declined to investigate the matter and referred it to the Customs and Border Patrol Office of Professional Responsibility.

Then in January, the Washington Examiner questioned whether a report would ever be released after speaking with a DHS official, who admitted it was unlikely because it “makes the administration look terrible.”

Republicans have been pushing for findings in the case, but with little success. “The American people, especially the agents whose superiors (Biden, Harris and Mayorkas) publicly accused them of misconduct, deserve the transparency you promised, even if it is embarrassing for the Biden administration,” they wrote.

As I prepared to post this, Fox was reporting that the agents were cleared of any wrong doing. Don’t expect an apology from Biden & Co., or the news media that was quick to accuse them of whipping migrants. Another Biden administration scandal to be swept under the rug.

A Pathetic Response to the Crisis at the Border

During a recent segment on “The Five,” former Democrat Congressman Harold Ford Jr. and a supporter of President Biden, offered his recommendation that the president should bring his cabinet together, invite mayors and governors of border states to meet and discuss options for managing the border, and give them 60 days to come up with a plan. 

During those 60 days, more than 100,000 more migrants would come across and be dispersed throughout the nation.

How ridiculous! Former President Trump and his team of border officials had an effective plan in place that was working until Biden took office and opened the border to anyone.  Ford’s is a typical Democrat bureaucratic approach.

When are the average Americans going to get outraged with what’s happening to the sovereignty of this country?

Now, more than ever … may God continue to bless the United States of America.