It’s Time Again to Go Back to My Stack of Stuff


It’s been a while since I’ve gone to my stack of stuff for material I’ve saved to share with you when my single topic ideas have temporarily dried up.

Musk’s Potential Twitter Takeover

The left is coming unglued over the possibility that billionaire Elon Musk might restore free speech with his takeover of Twitter.  Progressive snowflakes at Twitter are said to be devastated by it.

Washington Post columnist Max Boot, for instance, said, “I am frightened by the impact on society and politics if Elon Musk acquires Twitter, seemingly believing that on social media anything goes.

Boot, an anti-Trumper, who bought into the Russian collusion hoax, didn’t seem to be concerned with the Twitter’s handling of it, nor Twitters blackout of negative stories on Biden during the 2020 election, is now concerned for the survival of democracy if Musk is successful.

Revenge Can Be Sweet

Even when it comes seven years late.  In 2015, Beth Prichard Geer, responded to a Tweet posted by Fox News regarding Sen. Joni Ernst’s response to President Obama’s State of the Union address.  “Hideous,” was her response


Little did Geer know that one day she would be before Senator Ernst, while seeking a nomination to the Tennessee Valley Authority board.

Asking Geer to confirm her statement reflecting her respect of civility, Geer said, “absolutely.”  With that Ernst turned to a poster-size copy of Geer’s 2015 Tweet, and said, “I’m not sure if you’ve made a habit of calling women that disagree with you hideous or if was simply an exception.”

Referring to the left’s dislike of former President Trump’s Tweets, she reminding Geer that this Tweet was before the Trump era, she said, “this is not Iowa nice folks, and I’m calling you out,” adding that the word hideous to her has “only one meaning.”

After Geer feebly apologized with “if I offended you,” to which Ernst responded that her Tweet was an “affront to half of America,” obviously referring to those who voted for Trump, adding that she would not be voting in favor of her nomination.

Revenge Comes in Different Ways

Former President Trump has to be smiling these days as stories continue of Chris Wallace in a meltdown after deciding to move from Fox to CNN “for a new adventure.” 

Avid Fox viewers, disgusted with Wallace’s leftist leaning, must also be happy.  “The chickens come home to roost for Chris Wallace read the headline in Red State blog.

Many believe that Trump got the best of Wallace in the presidential debate, during which he announced, “My job is to be as invisible as possible.”  Trump did not make it easy, often interrupting, and at one time saying, “I guess I’m debating you, not him (Biden), but that’s okay, I’m not surprised.”

It was said that Wallace would be joining CNN+, a paid streaming version of CNN, that reportedly attracted less than 10,000 daily viewers during its two-week debut.

An Awakening at the Washington Post?

Once the New York Times recognized in print that the emails on Hunter Biden’s laptop were authentic – six months after the New York Post broke the story – the Washington Post conceded it was a story.

Now, seemingly aware of the vacuum in its Beltway view of flyover country, the Washington Post posted an unusual job opening @WashPostPR: “The Washington Post is looking for an enterprising reporter in Texas to document life in red state America and develop a new beat mapping the culture, public policies and politics in a region shaped by conservative ideology.”

A View of the Climate Change Movement

“Is there anyone taking his green energy transition thing seriously? asks Francis Manton in Manhattan Contrarian, writing that the U.S. government’s own Energy Information Administration “doesn’t believe for a minute that any kind of rapid transition to ‘net-zero’ carbon emissions is about to occur in this country,” and is even predicting “increasing fossil fuel usage through the 2050 goal.”

Seeking Documents for Americans

Judicial Watch, the non-partisan watchdog group in Washington DC, is again filing Freedom of Information Act lawsuits to obtain information currently being withheld, including communications between Gen. Mark Milley and CIA Chief Gina Haspel between November 1, 2020 and January 20, 2021.

“Our lawsuit will hopefully ferret out the truth about any plots to undermine President Trump by the military and CIA,” says Tom Fitton, Judicial Watch President.

Fitton continues to pursue communications between Nancy Pelosi and the Capitol Police, from January 1 to January 6, 2021.

Those Green Jobs

Apparently, Washington is beginning to look into the sources of solar panels, and finding that about three quarters of panel production is in Southeast Asia – China, Malaysia, Vietnam, Thailand and Cambodia – is Chinese-owned and accounts for 85 percent of American imports last year.  With 90 percent of the capacity for manufacturing solar cells, China is the leader at all stages of production.


And Those Union Jobs

While President Biden is out there promoting made in America, he’s also picking winners and losers, usually benefiting unionized companies, but it appears that right-to-work states are winning in the long run.  States that have enacted these laws since 2000 have a 20.7 percent higher manufacturing share than they otherwise would without a right-to-work law, according to the Wall Street Journal.

Now, more than ever … may God continue to bless the United States of America.