I’m Back in the ‘Saddle’ Again


Back “where a friend is a friend” … that’s you, fans of kramerontheright … to borrow the words from the 1940s song by cowboy star Gene Autry.  I’m back from a brief respite with family and friends.  While my wife and I enjoyed ourselves, I missed passing along my thoughts on current events.

Of course, the Supreme Court overturned Roe v. Wade while I was gone, but I won’t dwell too much on that old news, except to say that the low-information crowd was out following the decision. 

Thanks to the mainstream media, many Americans were unaware that the Court decision did not make abortions illegal; they merely sent it to the individual states to establish their own rules.

Then there was the woman interviewed outside the Court, who said the “justices needed to be voted out of office.”  Huh! 

There was the usual civil unrest and outlandish comments from President Biden, Sen. Elizabeth “Gotta get me a beer” Warren, Representatives Nancy Pelosi and Alexandra Ocasio-Cortez, what we have all come to expect from the left.

In an effort to take our minds off inflation, the border crisis and the breakdown of law enforcement, President Biden foolishly stated that “Roe will be on the ballot” in November, adding a disinformation comment that the Court has “taken away the Constitutional right” of abortion.

During an interview on MSNBC, I recall Pelosi promoting her child tax credit plan, saying “it’s for the children, the children, the children,” while attacking the other side of the aisle for not understanding the importance of public policy and the children’s futures.”

What about the millions … yes millions … of babies who were aborted during her decades in the House of Representatives?

Hillary Clinton, who still believes what she has to say is relevant, used the decision to attack Justice Clarence Thomas, saying “He’s been a person of grievance for as long as I have known him – resentment, grievance, anger.”

Seemingly, she thinks we won’t remember her 2016 rant of grievances against Republican voters, saying that we are “racist, sexist, homophonic, xenophobic, Islamophobic, you name it,” after declaring us “deplorable.”

Incidentally, did you hear that Justice Sotomayor believes Thomas to be “a man who cares deeply about the Court as an institution, about the people who work there, about the people.”

The Border Crisis

While President Biden was livid over the deaths of 19 children in the Uvalde, Texas shooting, causing him to visit the community and speak to the nation about gun control, he has failed to acknowledge the 52 migrants found dead in a truck, abandoned by traffickers in Texas. 

In fact, he has not commented on the millions of illegals, who his immigration law-breaking administration has farmed out to communities across the nation, nor the thousands of “gotaways” now living amongst us, while insisting that the border is closed.

The January 6 Committee

With the hearsay testimony of Cassidy Hutchinson, aide to Trump chief of staff Mark Meadows, the left succeeded in making the public believe what she had to say was the truth.  She spoke of an out-of-control President Trump, who physically challenged his own secret service. 

Before the day was over, however, word got out that it was hearsay, and Secret Service agents offered to testify that what Hutchinson testified to was hogwash. But it was too late, because many of those who saw her testimony, are most likely unaware that she made it all up.

Hutchinson also claimed to have written a statement to be given by Trump as the riot unfolded, but we have since learned that it was actually written by former White House lawyer Eric Herschmann.

RINO Liz Cheney seemed to take pleasure in exhibiting the statement during the testimony.

Committee Member Rep. Jamie Raskin, known for his efforts to impeach Trump, referred to Hutchinson as an “entirely credible witness.”

It’s all part of the left’s plan to paint Trump as a criminal leading up to the midterm election, when a number of Trump supporters will be on the ballot.

The Economy

While 85 percent of Americans believe that President Joe “Amtrak” Biden is taking us down the wrong track, during his press conference in Madrid, Spain on Thursday, he continued to blame Russia.

The bottom line is: Ultimately, the reason why gas prices are up is because of Russia. Russia, Russia, Russia.  The reason why the food crisis exist (sic) is because of Russia.”

More to come.  In the meantime, hang in there, we’re just 130 days from the midterms and our opportunity to begin the return to America first policies.

May God continue to bless the United States of America.