What You May Have Missed from the Headlines and Breaking News


FBI Agents are Speaking Out

When I recently wrote, “one wonders if there is an agent out there willing to speak out about the raid and the effort, in general, to keep Trump from seeking office again,” I had little faith that would happen. 

But it is happening. Ohio Republican Rep. Jim Jordan mentioned it during his appearance on Life, Liberty and Levin, and Kevin Downey Jr. of PJ Media wrote of fourteen FBI agents who have done so.

“Some of these good agents are coming to us, telling us what’s going on, the political nature now in the Justice Department, talking about the school board issue, about a whole host of issues,” Jordan said

Little Actions Say a Lot

I suspect few people noticed the side action following President Biden’s signing of the so-called Inflation Reduction Act on Tuesday.  After he signed the Act, Biden looked to his left and then to his right.  He was looking for Sen. Joe Manchin to give him the signing pen.


He reached out to hand the pen to Manchin, who shook his hand appreciatively. Manchin opened his suit coat to put the pen in the inner pocket when he appeared to have second thoughts, seemingly thinking he should offer it to Sen. Chuck Schumer. Looking to Schumer with the pen in hand, I’m sure he asked the majority leader if he would like to have it.  After a kind of “no, no you keep it hand motion,” Manchin pocketed the pen.

Inflation be damned.  Manchin got the pen.  Americans get screwed.

Ah, politics.

That “No Tax” Pledge

When Senator Manchin left the White House after the signing, he was approached by someone from the media who asked how this was going to help the middle class now.  “We never said it would help immediately,” he peevishly responded. 

The Congressional Budget Office, which has yet to score each piece of the Act, has already revealed that, contrary to Biden’s promise, those earning less than $400,000 will pay an estimated $20 billion more in taxes over the next decade.

Democrats, who claim to be the party of the middle class, shot down a provision put forth by Idaho Republican Sen. Mike Crapo that would have exempted those making under $400,000 from increased IRS scrutiny by those 87,000 IRS new hires.

Liz Cheney’s Concession Speech

After her reelection drubbing Tuesday night, RINO Liz Cheney said in her concession speech that “now the real work begins,” which tells the story why she was beaten so badly.  If she had only worked as hard for the citizens of Wyoming as she did squandering her time attacking former President Trump, she just might have been reelected.

In Cheney’s eyes, she evidently believes she and Abraham Lincoln have a lot in common. They both lost elections.  “Abraham Lincoln was defeated in elections to the Senate and House before he won the most important election of all,” she said, “Lincoln ultimately prevailed, he saved the union, and he defined our obligation as Americans for all of history.”

“The big difference,” writes Stephen Kruiser in PJ Media, “is that Cheney doesn’t grasp the comparison that Lincoln didn’t need to save our union from himself.”

The delusional Cheney, who is considering a run for the presidency in 2024, with the vow to make certain that Trump never comes near the Oval Office again – a personal vendetta – doesn’t seem to realize that in doing so she is also attacking some 75 million voters who support him.

And Finally …

The Morning Consult/Politico poll revealed what everyone in American politics now knows: the raid on Trump’s home increased his chances of being the next Republican nominee.

Just 81 days to the midterms.  Your vote is needed. 

May God continue to bless the United States of America.