From Trump Derangement Syndrome to Climate Hypochondria


In the past eight years or so, a number of gullible Americans, some still suffering from Trump Derangement Syndrome (TDS), have now allowed themselves to become climate hypochondriacs.

Although I am not a doctor, I can prescribe a remedy for each ailment with only my Kramerontheright prescription.  By now, most of those suffering from TDS have accepted that the former president is who he is and they either accept that or not.

Just as the leftist mainstream and social media have attempted to turn supporters against Donald Trump, they are now attempting to scare the hell out of you over climate change.

Defeating climate hypochondria may be more difficult for you.  As the recent heat wave stretched across much of the country, the same media latched onto it by peddling tales of deaths, some by suicide, and mental illness. Bloomberg News quoted from an analysis in the medical journal Lancet even though it was the result of inconsistent study findings and methodologies.

You may recall my recent note that deaths from heat and cold have decreased by 90 percent over the past century.  In Allysia Finley’s Wall Street Journal column, Climate Change Obsession Is a Real Mental Disorder,” she wrote, “If heat waves were as deadly as the press proclaims, Homo sapiens couldn’t have survived thousands of years without air conditioning.” It’s because we humans have shown a remarkable resilience and adaptation.  “Until modern times,” she notes, “when half of society has lost its cool over climate change.”

With the exploitation of this summer’s heat wave, the media ignores the argument of climate change being cyclical, including the EPA’s heat wave index that shows that the 1930s was by far the hottest decade in the last century.

The questionable World Health Organization suggests that the very “awareness of climate change and extreme weather events and their impacts may lead to a host of ills, including strained social relationships, anxiety, depression, intimate-partner violence, helplessness, suicidal behavior and alcohol and substance abuse.

Unbelievably, in a recent study of 16 to 25-year-olds in 10 countries, 59 percent were very or extremely worried about climate change, with 45 percent claiming they were so worried that they struggled to function on a daily basis.

I found it interesting that John Clauser, a Nobel Prize-winning physicist, recently conceded “I am, I guess, what you would call a ‘climate change denialist.’”

Speaking at Quantum Korea 2023, Clauser not only stated that “climate change is not a crisis,” he cited the UN’s International Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) as “one of the worst sources of dangerous information.”  Something I have addressed previously in my blog.

It’s time that those Americans suffering from climate hypochondria wake up to the green energy propaganda in President Biden’s Green New Deal agenda.  Trillions, yes trillions, of dollars are being funneled into highly questionable projects here and abroad to attain the unachievable goal of altering climate change.

Clauser was uninvited to speak at the UN’s International Monetary Fund meeting last week after citing the mistake of spending trillions of dollars on climate.

You may recall, the IMF was pushing large CO2-emiting countries to introduce a carbon tax.

My August Fool’s Day Recipient

 I have selected an unlikely pair to share recognition as my August Fool – Hillary Clinton and Pope Francis.  “Hot enough for you?” Hillary said, “Thank a MAGA Republican, or better yet, vote them out of office.”  Then, on Friday, Pope Francis urged governments to “do more to battle climate change and protect our common home.”

May God continue to bless the United States of America.