News of the Political Scene from My Stack of Stuff


Perusing my stack of stuff this morning, I discovered a few topics from the political scene that I have intended to share with you, with my comments, of course.

Mitt Romney, RINO

I saved the CNN digital piece about Sen. Mitt Romney’s announcement that he won’t seek reelection because it was another example of how the bias media favors RINOS. “(It) will mark the departure of a distinctive voice from the Senate of a lawmaker willing to take on his own party,” it reads.

However, in an opinion piece entitled, “That Miserable Bag of Goo Mitt Romney Slinks Away Humiliated,” by Kurt Schlichter in, he notes, “The only good thing about him is the riddance.”

Referring to Romney as “an empty $5,000 suit, who pulled himself up by his Gucci straps,” Schlichter writes, “Mitt will be remembered for his failures.”

“Like many of his clique,” wrote Schlichter, “he wants to be down with the struggle, but from a safe distance.  (Romney is) condescending without any achievements to justify his attitude, confident in his own competence when he never managed to show any, and fussily certain of his own moral superiority for no apparent reason.”


While Romney reminds Schlichter of Judge Smails (Ted Knight) in the movie “Caddyshack,” “only less amusing,” personally, I’ll never forget how he rolled over and caved to CNN’s Candy Crowley during the 2012 presidential debate, permitting her to side with Barack Obama on the issue of Benghazi.

More recently, Romney’s vote to impeach Donald Trump was unforgiveable.

He’ll be the senator from Utah until January of 2025, so we haven’t heard the last from him yet.  We can count on more of his criticism about former President Trump, who he claims is not only a threat to our democracy, but to climate change. 

A New Republican Party

For the humor in it, I saved an opinion piece by Robert B. Reich from the Alternet, a digital newsletter supposedly devoted to the works of independent journalists.  Reich, who used to be humorously referred to as Reischhhhhhhhhh by the late Rush Limbaugh, served as Labor Secretary under Barack Obama, and is now part of the leftist Berkeley crowd in California.

Though claiming “I don’t give a fig about the Republican Party,” he would have you believe that because he cares deeply about this nation, “America needs a third party that stands for all the things conservative Republicans stood for.”

Reich believes that as long as the Trump Republican Party exists, it poses a profound danger to American democracy.  “What’s needed is a Real Republican Party.”

Who would lead that party?  “Romney is too elitist,” he says, but “The person to lead it is Liz Cheney.  She should run for president on a third party Real Republican ticket.  A fitting rebuke to Trump.”

Have you stopped laughing yet?

Donald Trump Was Right …

… read the headline of fellow blogger Don Surber’s piece on the miserable state of our open southern border that is allowing illegals to travel where ever they want.

He wrote about New York Mayor Eric Adams, once the protector of a sanctuary city, who is now calling for closing our borders.  “We need the federal government, the Congress members, the Senate and the president to do its job: close the borders.”

Surber writes how New York’s elitists hate Trump and Giuliani because they saved the city.  They denounced Trump as racist and xenophobic over his remarks about those individuals who were coming across our border.

“But he was prophetic,” noted Surber, adding that “the situation is even worse today.”

The Minority Vote

I saved Washington Examiner columnist Michael Barone’s piece, “People of color trending Republican,” because he has been reporting on the political scene as far back as I can remember.

“Evidence for the eroding non-white support for Democrats is strong,” he writes, noting how Biden’s 70 percent holding of non-whites in 2020 has dipped to 53 percent in the recent New York Times/Siena College poll.

More and more, I am hearing that the Republican Party has replaced the Democrat Party as representatives of the working class.

Taking One for the Team

That’s how blogger Don Surber referred to former President Trump showing up in New York court, where he is charged with claiming his property is worth more than the amount recording in the tax books, noting that 99 per cent of Americans do that. “Trump is taking one for the good guys.  Team America,” says Surber.

“This isn’t a judicial proceeding; it’s a partisan farce,” wrote former federal prosecutor Andrew McCarthy.

The farciful charge has been brought to the court of a Democrat judge by the state’s first openly black female attorney general, who campaigned that she was going to “get Trump.”

“I asked everyone I spoke to about the indictments against Trump,” wrote Washington Examiner columnist Byron York, “and every single person dismissed them as politically motivated.”

“If he doesn’t get back in,” a woman told York, “we’re done.”

From the Wall Street Journal Letters Column:

“No one lost a penny, because not a single financial institution underwrote a loan based on those submissions.  They all based their lending decision on their own financial projections and asset valuation.  This action is a farce driven by partisan politics.”  – Stephen R. S. Martin, Cave Creek, Arizona

May God continue to bless the United States of America.