From My Stack of Stuff


As usual, my stack of stuff I want to comment on has grown in the past few days.  It’s time to share my thoughts with you.

The New Speaker

The few times I saw Rep. Mike Johnson interviewed over the years, I was impressed with his thoughtful, forthright responses to questions. No weasel-wording.  Clearly, he is not a Washington swamp rat, having just been elected in 2017.

I watched his first interview as speaker with Sean Hannity and continued to be impressed.  If interested, I invite you to watch it on You Tube.

Yet, the minority LGBTQ activists jumped at the opportunity to attack him for his religious beliefs, even Meghan McCain took to the social media with “So we just elected a raging homophobe to speaker.  Way to break stereotypes and win over hearts and minds!”

She’s a RINO.

Stay On ‘Em, Senator

Iowa’s Republican Sen. Chuck Grassley, who has been dogged in his effort to get to the bottom of judicial matters relating to the Biden family, has asked Attorney General Garland and FBI Director Wray to respond to his query that more than 40 pieces of criminal information about President Biden, his son Hunter, and James Biden, the president’s brother, were not properly vetted and that an order to shut down the investigation internally was made.

“Based on the information provided by credible whistleblowers, there appears to be an effort within the Justice Department and FBI to shut down investigative activity relating to the Biden family,” Grassley wrote, adding, “Our Republic cannot survive such a political infection.”

Double Talking Biden

Watching the coverage of the manhunt in Maine, one couldn’t help but see the military designed vehicles being used by SWAT teams from Portland.  We’ve seen them in a number of communities.

(Washington Post photo)

I was reminded how President Biden sought, by executive order, to restrict the sale of military equipment, primarily armored vehicles, to state and local police in January 2022.  When a draft of the order was leaked, law enforcement interest groups were successful in stopping the order, backed by Democrat progressives.

Two months earlier, at a signing of bills, he spoke of “extending critical support to our law enforcement and first responders and the communities they serve … more resources, not fewer resources.”

Isn’t it odd how he had no compunction leaving 24,000 Humvees and 900 armored personnel carriers behind in Afghanistan for the Taliban after his botched withdrawal.  In addition, he left behind some 42,000 night-vision, surveillance, biometric and position sets.  Surely those involved in the Maine manhunt could have used them.

Stop Looking Back to 2020

Not having read Wall Street Journal columnist Holman Jenkins, Jr’s October 14, 2023 column, a letter to the editor by Susan Harris of Richmond, Virginia referencing it caught my eye.  In her letter she quoted Jenkins’ suggestion for Trump supporters looking back to 2020 to have a discussion:

“The best answer to the Trumpians is to have a serious look at 2020, admitting to ourselves that the election was messy, with late rule changes, with acknowledged ballot harvesting questionable signature verification practices, unattended ballot drop boxes, etc.

Harris points out that isn’t happening, saying she continues to see the same shorthand qualifier that the “2020 election was stolen without evidence” at the end of stories.

We know there was evidence of “all of the above.” It just wasn’t enough to change the vote. 

As I have written before, it’s time for the former president and his supporters to drop the “election was stolen” line and get on with getting the vote out in 2024.

Speaking of the Former President

Did you notice that Biden’s Department of Justice urged a federal judge to reinstate a gag order against Donald Trump? Trump argues he has a First Amendment right to comment on the trials he faces, and that the administration is trying to muzzle him as he campaigns for president.

Further Persecution

Months ago, Ivanka Trump was dismissed from the civil case against her father’s business, noting that she moved out of New York and stepped away from her Trump organization job in 2017, however, a judge has now ordered her to take the witness stand.

Democrat New York Attorney General Latitia James, who ran for office vowing to “get Trump,” denies that the trial is politically motivated.

China: Friend or Foe?

When I heard the Democrat political commercial in opposition to Nikki Haley’s presidential campaign, in which she refers to China as “a friend,” I had to find the source.  China is not our friend, and not merely our competitor as President Biden often claims.

Her “friend” reference dates back nearly 10 years ago, when as governor of South Carolina, Haley wrote a letter of appreciation to the then Chinese ambassador, who had congratulated her on winning reelection.

The nice talk stopped when she became our UN Ambassador under Trump and just last week, she made it clear that “American companies should stop treating China as an economic competitor and start viewing it as a national security threat.”

Minnesota’s Wacko Senator

You may recall Elon Musk’s effort to clean up Twitter (now “X”) by inviting journalists to go through files in search of censuring irregularities.  They found that the FBI and other deep state bad actors conducted regular meetings with Twitter staffers to assure that certain material did not reach the social media.

Now, we learn that Minnesota’s Democrat Sen. Amy Klobuchar wrote a letter to Jeff Bezos demanding that he enjoin Alexa from citing “unvetted sources” she considers unverified news sources.

One such source, Substack, whose authors I often quote here – like Matt Taibbi and Ben Domenech – both credible journalists, would be suppressed if she had her way.

Enough censorship.  Let readers determine what to believe and not believe.

May God continue to bless the United States of America.