Leftist Columnist Wants More Negative Press on Trump


Unless you are an old movie buff, the name Margaret Sullivan won’t mean a thing to you, but there’s another Margaret Sullivan, who writes opinion pieces for the left-leaning newspaper The Guardian, that claims to be independent.


Not a reader of The Guardian, my thanks go to journalist Matt Taibbi for drawing my attention to it in his column in which he writes about Sullivan’s concern that the media has not adequately communicated “the dangers of a Trump win,” after noting that Joe Biden trails in key states.

Sullivan, formerly with the New York Times and Washington Post, praised a Post story with a subhead referring to Trump’s ideas as “dangerous and unconstitutional.”

“We need a lot more stories like the ones in the Post and the Times – not just in these elite outlets but on the nightly news, on cable TV, in local newspapers and on radio broadcasts.  We need a lot less pussyfooting in the wording,” she wrote.

Taibbi leaped at Sullivan’s claim that the media is insufficiently hysterical on the subject of Trump, citing some 50 headlines, a few of which follow:

“Trump’s Threat to Democracy Now Systemic.”

“Trump’s Violent Rhetoric Threatens Democracy to the Core.”

“How Trump’s Rhetoric Compares with Hitler’s.”

And his favorite – “Nazi-Curious Madman Currently Under Indictment for 91 Felonies Gives Speech.”

Of course, Trump supporters have been aware of the left’s all-out effort to publish negative material about the former president right up to Election Day.

The New York Times/Sienna College poll, showing Trump leading Biden in five of the six battleground states, is what triggered Sullivan’s concern.

By now, Sullivan has probably seen the latest Fox News poll, revealing Biden’s 59 percent disapproval rating and Trump winning if the voting was the day of the polling.  The poll shows Hispanics having a 60 percent disapproval of Biden while blacks have a 41 percent disapproval of Biden.

Hope from a veteran

As we continue to experience high prices, millions of illegals freely crossing our border and disappearing amongst us, foolish protestors seeking a ceasefire in Gaza, a president who views China as a competitor and climate change as more of a threat, one has to wonder what’s ahead.

Honored Veteran Andy Negra

I hope the prediction of Andy Negra, the 99-year-old veteran honored at Thursday night’s Fox Patriot Awards event, has it right.  When asked where his mind and heart is, given the state of the country and world affairs, he said:

“Let me assure you, let me assure all of you – every time this country ever got into a problem, they solved it, so regardless of what’s going on now, we will break this badness and get back to the good.”

May God continue to bless the United States of America.