A ‘Nugget’ from a North Carolina Writer … Biden 2.0: Be Afraid … A Never Trumper Comments on Biden … Now There are Never Biden Voters … and Are You Better Off Than You Were Four Years Ago?


I pride myself in the research I do and the clarity and concise wordsmithing I strive for in providing you with a blog you find worth reading, but as I have noted before, sometimes I find real nuggets in letters to the editor columns I want to share with you.

“Who doesn’t feel for an old man?” wrote Susan Baker of Mooresville, North Carolina in response to Peggy Noonan’s Wall Street Journal column in which she cited Joe Biden as “too old and infirm” and Donald Trump as “too crazy.”

“I see a man who spent his adult life living off the largess of political power.  I see a man who has weaponized law enforcement to attack his opponent as well as everyday citizens – concerned parents, pro-lifers, Catholics and even grandmothers praying in the Capitol.

“I  see a man who defies Supreme Court rulings by expanding regulatory overreach and cancelling student debt.  I see a man who throw allies under the bus to gain votes, holding back arms in Ukraine and Israel, and prolonging, not winning wars.

“I see a man who attacks dependable fossil fuels and mandates electric cars that few want to satisfy the noisy greens.  I see a man who would sanction abortion through the third trimester and supports mutilation of troubled children, both under the guise of health. I could go on – open borders, fentanyl, Afghanistan, Hunter, Tara Reade, inflation.

“In short, I see a man destroying our country.  This election, I’ll vote ‘crazy.’”

Speaking of “A Man who …”

With the provocative headline, “Biden 2.0: Be Afraid.  Be Very Afraid,” Stephen Moore, former senior economic advisor to President Trump, published his dire warning of a second Biden term in a piece published online last week.

“Could a second Biden term be more injurious to the economy than his first term?” writes conservative economist Moore.  The headline says it all.


“It seems unimaginable given his first three years gave us 20 percent inflation, a $2,000 loss in average real incomes for the middle class, six million added illegal immigrants, a war on American energy that has caused gas prices to rise by more than 40 percent to $3.64 a gallon, the collapse of many of our major cities, another $6 trillion added to the national debt, the unaffordability of new homes and chaos on college campuses.”

Whew!  “So, what’s the encore to that abysmal performance? Moore asks.  “What will Bidenomics 2.0 look like if it comes to that?”

For those unfamiliar with Moore, he was a senior economic advisor to Trump and was intimately involved in the writing of the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act, signed by Trump on December 22, 2017.  He’s a regular contributor on Kudlow, on the Fox Business Channel.

While data reveal that all income brackets benefitted from the Trump tax bill, the most significant benefits accrued to working-and middle-class families, not the wealthiest, as the media and Democrats claim. For example, those earning between $50,000 and $100,000 a year had a reduction of taxes of about 17 percent.  And those with earnings from $100,00 to $500,000 saw their tax bill reduced by about 13 percent.

Moore cites the importance of the Republicans winning the House and Senate.  If Biden wins and Democrats have the House and Senate, it could mean he will “run the table” arguing that voters have given him the mandate “to move forward with his radical redistribution policies.”

Bidenomics 2.0 is “unimaginable” as Moore opines.  In his article, he predicts more taxes and more spending in Biden’s five policy priorities.

Biden has indicated that he would end the Trump tax cut when it expires in 2025, but experts claim that doing so would kill his promise of “not a dime more in taxes” for those making less than $400,000.

In addition, he believes Biden’s “net zero” energy policy will eliminate production of nearly all of our abundant fossil fuels. 

Biden will continue to boast that he is pro-union as he would attempt to end state “right to work” laws in 26 states.

Moore also foresees Biden attempting to pack the Supreme Court, and seek statehood for Washington DC and Puerto Rico to add four more senators.

Other Topics of Interest

In my May 12, 2024 blog in which I compared the then (2015) and now (2024) remarks about former President Trump, I promised to be on the lookout for others.

Although columnist Jonah Goldberg was not one of the essayists in the Against Trump edition of National Review, he was a fervent Never Trumper.  And although he still is, I thought I would share with you his comment about anti-Trumpers he posted:

“Jonah Goldberg @JonahDispatch – For what it’s worth.  I’ve heard from a LOT or reliably anti-Trump people – I mean really, really, anti-Trump people – who have had it with Biden tonight. Anecdotal, to be sure.  But very telling in my circle.”

He may view that as “anecdotal,” but the May 18, 2024 Daily Caller headline reads – “Forget ‘Never Trumpers’ – More Voters Now Say They’ll Never Vote for Biden.”  Among likely voters living in six key swing states, 51 percent say there’s “not really any chance” they’d vote for Biden, compared to just 46 percent saying the same thing about Trump.

Never Biden Voters

When asked, “Are you better off than you were four years ago,” 54 percent of likely voters said “No”in a national telephone and online survey last week conducted by Rasmussen Reports.

May God continue to bless the United States of America.