Russ Vought, Working Behind the Scenes Preparing for a Trump Victory in November


On April 15, 2024, I gave you a hint of what’s ahead for the restoration of America if former President Trump is elected in November, with a brief summary of Project 2025.  I’m repeating this quote from that blog because it sets the stage for what’s ahead.

“It is not enough for conservatives to win elections. If we are going to rescue the country from the grip of the radical Left, we need both a governing agenda and the right people in place, ready to carry this agenda out on day one of the next administration,” the Project 2025 Team

I already told you about the role the Heritage Foundation, and its president, Kevin Roberts, will be playing with the transition.


Today, there’s someone else you will soon get to know.  It’s Russ Vought, who was head of the Office of Management and Budget in the first Trump term.  His isn’t exactly a household name, but not for long.

Since leaving office in 2021, Vought has led the Center for Renewing America, part of a network of conservative advocacy groups staffed by former and potentially future Trump administration members.

Vought was named policy director for the GOP’s 2024 platform committee to develop policies that Republican legislative candidates will be campaigning on heading into Election Day, and has been mentioned as Trump’s likely chief of staff.

Vought has referred to the importance of a fast start on Trump’s Day One in office and an action-packed first 180 days in office.  High on his list will be stopping the immigration invasion, organizing a massive deportation, and managing inflation.

He sees the need in harnessing what he calls a “woke and weaponized” bureaucracy under Biden.  It is to fundamentally reset the balance of power.

Regular readers may recall my past criticism of unelected bureaucrats who control much of our lives, especially in the EPA.  “I know it concerns Russ, that these agencies have turned on the very people they are supposed to serve,” says Rep. Jim Jordan of Ohio.

Vought calls his strategy “radical constitutionalism,” arguing that the left has discarded the Constitution, requiring conservatives to “rise up, wrest power from the federal bureaucracy and centralize authority in the Oval Office.”

“The president has to be able to drive the bureaucracy instead of being trapped by it, noted former Speaker Newt Gingrich.

 As expected, the leftist media is already attacking Vought.

“Vought displays a combination of MAGA zealotry and familiarity with Washington’s workings that makes him a uniquely dangerous figure for the future of the country.” – Hayes Brown, MSNBC Opinion Editor

Even attacking his religious beliefs.

“A battle-tested D.C. bureaucrat and self-described Christian nationalist is drawing up detailed plans for a sweeping expansion of presidential power in a second Trump administration.” – Beth Reinhard, Washington Post

Trump Busy Behind the Scenes, too

Trump, himself, is busy laying the groundwork his new administration, should he win in November.

Earlier this week, he met with House and Senate Republicans at the Capitol Hill Club, seeking their support against Biden, mending a few fences along the way, while he campaigns for them in an effort to secure Republican leadership in the both chambers.  “I see a tremendous unity among Republicans,” he said.

Members of the House presented him with the game ball from the GOP’s 31-11 victory in the Wednesday’s Congressional Baseball game.

Trump Meets with CEOs

While in Washington, Trump also met with about 100 corporate leaders, including JPMorgan CEO Jamie Dimon, Apple CEO Tim Cook, and Walmart CEO Doug McMillon.

Cutting corporate taxes and attacking costly regulations were among the topics covered.

While campaigning in Nevada, Trump told service employees, representing about 25 percent of the employment in Las Vegas, that he would not tax their tips if he is elected.  While union leaders generally vote Democrat, the workers vote as they choose.

Friday night, some 5,000 Floridians attended a Palm Beach birthday rally with Trump, and as I finish this blog, supporters are lining up in Detroit for a Saturday night Trump rally.

As Biden would have you believe Trump will dismantle our democracy, the Biden bureaucracy is playing fast and loose with our freedoms as Biden continues to fantasize with the idea that he can alter climate change with our tax money. 

May God continue to bless the United States of America

and guide Russ Vought on his path to restore America’s greatness under Trump.