The DOJ IG Report confirms my earlier observations … hate of Trump obvious … and ‘the party of Trump’

FINALLY, THE DOJ IG REPORT IS RELEASED, and it reveals nothing new; that is everything we already knew was simply confirmed. Here are a few of my initial observations.

We knew that the former disgraced FBI Director James Comey overstepped his responsibility when he, as head of the investigative unit, assumed responsibility of prosecutor and on July 6, 2016, shocked the nation by announcing there would be no charges brought to Hillary Clinton for mishandling classified e-mails.

Comey was supposed to turn over his finding to former Attorney General Loretta Lynch. It was not his place to declare that “no reasonable prosecutor would take this case.”  The IG Report weakly admonishes him for being “insubordinate.”

The IG Report indicates that e-mails mishandled by Hillary were indeed hacked by foreign bad actors, but that merely confirms what we expected and Comey himself believed so when he said that while there was no “direct evidence,” it was very likely her server had been breached.

Perhaps the most damning information in the IG Report concerns FBI Agent Peter Strzok, but again we already knew enough about him to convince us that he was a key player in the corruption of the FBI at the highest levels.

While a number of Strzok’s text exchanges with his paramour FBI Agent Lisa Page already clearly pointed to the politicization of the FBI as the pair regularly posted anti-Trump and pro-Hillary messages, this exchange on August 6, 2016 contained in the report was incriminating:

PAGE: “(Trump’s) not ever going to be president, right? Right?

STRZOK: “No. No he won’t. We’ll stop it.”

Clearly, it shows that the bureau was working against Trump.

“His (Strzok’s) bias impacted his decision making and he assigned to himself the role of stopping the Trump campaign or ending a Trump presidency,” said Rep. Trey Gowdy (R-SC), Chairman of the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee.

Remember, it was Strzok who conducted the July 4, 2016 weekend interview of Hillary, Cheryl Mills and Uma Abedin; the interview we are told was not taped and that no notes or transcripts exist. Not to mention they were permitted to keep their laptops and mobile devices.

We also know that it was Strzok who changed the wording in Comey’s pre-statement exoneration of Hillary.

Strzok also oversaw the bureau’s interviews with Michael Flynn, when he was accused of making a false statement about his communications with Russians.

And recall also that Strzok and Page were named to Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s staff and served there until Mueller learned of the pair’s misconduct.

All of this and we are to believe the IG investigators who stated that they “did not find documentary or testimonial evidence (in the Clinton case) that improper considerations, including political bias directly affected the specific investigative actions we reviewed.” Really!

FBI Director Christopher Wray would have us believe that he is taking the IG Report seriously. He claims that bad agents will have their cases reviewed by the Office of Professional Accountability, the same office that recommended the dismissal of former Deputy FBI Director Andrew McCabe.

And are you ready for this? Wray says he plans to call agents in from around the world for training to avert this kind of corruption in the future. Give me a break! This is the FBI, for God’s sake, not Starbucks.

All new agents go through extensive training when they join the bureau. And haven’t we been told that 99 percent of the agents are doing important FBI work? Certainly, they know right from wrong, and if they didn’t they should know now.

Wray disclosed that he has visited some 30 FBI locations since becoming director. Did he take those opportunities to brief agents there on what was expected of them as agents?

After watching Wray’s press conference Thursday, I must say that I am not impressed with him.  I have absolutely no faith in his ability to restore the FBI’s integrity.  What I saw was the Peter Principle in action.

IT’S THE PARTY OF TRUMP – During coverage of various primaries Wednesday, Republican South Carolina loser Mark Sanford, not endorsed by President Trump, expressed outrage over the labeling of the Republican Party as “the party of President Trump.”

It’s common to associate the president with the leadership of the party. The Democrat Party is still referred to as the party of Barack Obama, who is expected to weigh-in on the midterms and 2020.

Then there’s Sen. Bob Corker (R-TN) who ridiculously referred to the Trump presidency saying, “It’s becoming a cultish thing.”

“Is leadership in general not wishing to poke the bear … because of the next election?” Corker asked.

Corker, who thankfully will not seek re-election, fails to recognize the importance of those Republicans elected to Congress to support the president’s agenda, and the people of the America who voted for that agenda.

                 May God bless the United States of America