The Trump-Putin press conference … Brennan an embarrassment … far left ‘civility’ … Obama’s no-action timeline on Russia … and the changing face of the Netherlands

Here are my observations and opinions on selected news of the day.

CHECKING THE TRANSCRIPT – Like me, you probably heard the media report that President Trump threw his intelligence agencies under the bus and sided with Vladimir Putin on the issue of Russian meddling into our election. Not so.

“So I have confidence in my intelligence people,” President Trump said as he reiterated Putin’s “interesting” offer to allow our agencies to bring their evidence to Moscow and participate in an investigation into the matter.

Putin’s offer had a caveat, however, that it would have to be reciprocal, allowing Russia to do likewise in the U.S. with individuals of interest to them.

Don’t expect this offer to be accepted.

Meanwhile, expect anti-Trumpers to continue to discredit the President’s effort to restore some semblance of diplomacy with Russia.

AN ASIDE: Sen. Rand Paul (R-KY), frequently a thorn in the side of President Trump, praised the president’s meeting with Putin; and when asked about Senator McCain’s disparaging remarks, Paul said that McCain has been wrong on a number of issues.

JOHN BRENNAN, again embarrassed the CIA, the agency he once led, as one of the first to criticize President Trump’s meeting with Putin, calling it “nothing short of treasonous” … adding “not only were Trump’s comments imbecilic, he is wholly in the pocket of Putin.”

You may recall that Brennan tweeted an insult to President Trump after Andrew McCabe was fired: “When the full extend of our venality, moral turpitude, and political corruption becomes known, you will take your rightful place as disgraced demagogue in the dustbin of history.”

In an op-ed published in The Hill, “The dishonesty of the deep state,” Mark Penn noted that “Former CIA head John Brennan denied he supplied the Steele dossier on Trump to then Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid in the face of mounting evident that he did precisely that and, at least orally, gave the former Nevada Democrat a full account of the dossier, leading Reid to write a public letter demanding an investigation.” Reid apparently saw it as a means for Brennan to get public attention.

Earlier this month, Judicial Watch submitted an official request for documents regarding the Brennan-Reid contact.

Though no longer in government service, it is clear that Brennan, is using his role as a regular contributor at CNN, to promote anti-Trump sentiment.

EXAMPLE OF DEMOCRAT CIVILITY – Massachusetts Sen. Elizabeth Warren offered her far-left version of civility during the president’s European trip, writing @SenWarren: “Cancel your ridiculous Putin summit and get your butt on a plane back to the United States.” Nice.

A TIMELINE OF NO ACTION – I found this timeline of the Obama administration’s effort to develop relations with Russia enlightening, it was tweeted @#hale_razor:

2009: Hillary Clinton presents the infamous “reset” button.




2012:   President Obama asks Medvedev to tell Vlad that he will have more flexibility after the election.

2012:   During a debate with Mitt Romney, President Obama dismissed the threat posed by Russia, and snarkily said, “The 1980s are now calling to ask for their foreign policy back.”




2016: President Obama tells Putin to “cut it out,” referring to the hacking. Note: Sen. Schumer did not criticize Obama for this weak-kneed response.


2018: Democrats criticize President Trump for failing to call out the Russians on election meddling.

OPEN BORDER TROUBLE IN THE NETHERLANDS – Muslim migrants in the Netherlands are changing the face of the Netherlands and native Dutch people are not happy. DENK, a party taking “think” from Dutch and “equality” in Turkish won several seats in the Dutch parliament last year and are demanding the total destruction of native Netherlanders identity to make migrants feel more at home, including a ban on the terms “native” and “Immigrant.”

DENK is also demanding that street names, statues and monuments relating to the country’s “racist” past be torn down. They are also seeking a focus in the media and schools on the Netherlands’ history of colonialism and slavery, and how it supposedly is responsible for all the ills of minorities living there today.

“When Dutch people see you as a foreigner, they are basically saying they feel superior and that you don’t belong,“ stated Ismail Ilgun, a You Tuber from Turkey.

In Poelenburg, a crime-plagued district of Zaandam, where less than 30 percent of the population is Dutch, they are being warned to “get the hell out” if they don’t want to be a minority in their own homeland.

The Netherlands is but the latest European country to recognize how open borders and “multiculturalism” is changing the face of their country.

        May God bless the United States of America.