No more dumb blonde jokes … Harris wants a discussion on race … the views of others on race … those freshmen ladies in white … and two big questions

Here are my observations and opinions on my selected news of the day.

A BLONDE HAS HER SAY – A sign along heavily travelled Scottsdale Road in Scottsdale, Arizona reads: “Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez Single-handedly Put and END to Dumb Blonde Jokes.”

I am assuming a blonde, tired of the dumb blonde jokes, took advantage of this opportunity to creatively slam Ocasio-Cortez, an intellectually-deprived brunette, to start a new trend – AOC jokes.

A LOST CAUSE – Sen. Kamala Harris (D-CA), struggling among the other leftists to gain traction in the Democrat presidential race, says, “For too long, frankly in our country, for long we have not had these honest discussions about race. We’ve just not.”

Hmmmmmmm …Where have we heard that before? Why, it was in February 2009, just a month after the inauguration of Barack Obama. His black attorney general, Eric Holder, on the occasion of a Black History Month speech, said, “… in things racial, we have always been, and we, I believe, continue to be, in too many ways, a nation of cowards.

“Even as we fight a war against terrorism; deal with the reality of electing an African American, for the first time, as the president of the United States; and deal with other significant issues of the day, the need to confront our racial past and to understand our racial present, and to understand the history of African people in this country – that all endures.

“Though race-related issues continue to occupy a significant portion of our political discussion, and though there remain many unresolved racial issues in this nation, we, average Americans, simply do not talk enough with each other about things racial.

Space will not permit me to review with you the failure of the Obama administration to begin that honest discussion about race.

From the “G** Damn America” quote of Obama’s minister Jeremiah Wright, to Obama’s “police acted stupidly” in the Henry Louis Gates arrest, to the “Black Lives Matter,” movement, President Obama squandered his opportunity to have that discussion during his eight years in office.

JON GABRIEL, a political correspondent, offered this truth via @exjon: “My favorite part about the Obama era is all the racial healing.”

LAST YEAR, a photo of Obama with white-hater Louis Farrakhan and members of the Congressional Black Caucus, hidden since 2005, surfaced. It speaks volumes.  President Obama was never interested in a discussion on race.

Some of those same Black Caucus members initiated the “Hands up, don’t shoot” rally by raising their hands on the floor of the U.S. House to show solidarity with protestors in Ferguson, Missouri.

Michael Brown, who was shot, did not have his hands up when he was shot. Even Joe Scarborough, host of “Morning Joe,” called it a lie, saying, “What is wrong with these people? What’s wrong with these elected officials, they know it’s a lie, and they’re doing this on the Capitol floor?

Perpetuating a lie on the floor of the House. (Screen grabs)

ANOTHER VIEW – “This country has had honest discussion about race – some would say perpetual and ubiquitous,” commented Jim Geraghty in National Review. “The problem to progressives is not the lack of an honest conversation; the problem is that the honest conversation doesn’t end with the result they want.”

“When a politician calls for ‘an honest conversation about race,’ a lot of people hear, ‘It’s time for a conversation where I call you a racist and you accept it, and then make concessions to me out of guilt.’”

IN RECENT POSTINGS I have wondered in print about those freshman Congresswomen, who were elected to change the way things were done in Washington. They were all told to dress in white for the State of the Union address, and told not to applaud no matter what. And they all wanted to be photographed with Alexandra Ocasio-Cortez and Ilhan Omar.

“There seems to be an emerging conventional wisdom that the freshmen Democrat women in Congress really don’t know what they are saying, poor little things, so we shouldn‘t really take their anti-Semitic statements seriously, “comments Christopher Chantrill in American Thinker.

He views them as “perfect products of our lefty educational system. “Ask yourself,” says, “if you went to school and college in the United States today and believed everything your teachers taught you, how would your worldview be different from (them)?”

“They are,” he says “Good Little Girls,” recalling a line from the Richard Rogers lyric from South Pacific: “You’ve got to be carefully taught.”

“The problem with nearly all women, including women who dress up in white for the State of the Union speech, is that they believe what they are carefully taught,” Chantrill believes. “There are the Michelle Malkin’s and the Camille Paglia’s of the world. Thank God for them.”

He cites the problem Nancy Pelosi has in teaching them to be headline politicians. They need to know that the stuff they were carefully taught and the stuff they dish out is all lies … “that anti-Semitic hate is junior league.”

TWO BIG QUESTIONS linger of over Washington these days with the anticipation of Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s report. Will the report include the FBI/DOJ mishandling of the investigation of Hillary Clinton? If not, will the newly confirmed Attorney General William Barr, finally address this matter letting the chips fall where they may?

We now know that a number of FBI officials wanted to charge Clinton for criminally misusing her home e-mail server and compromising American secrets.

FBI lawyer James Baker told Congress that he believed she should be prosecuted, but admitted that he was convinced by disgraced FBI Director James Comey that they couldn’t prove criminal intent.

You may recall that I believe that when she set up the private server, she intended to deceive.

Even so, Federal law states that “gross negligence” in handling the nation’s intelligence can be punished criminally with prison time or fines, and there is no requirement to prove that defendants acted intentionally.

We also know now, despite Comey’s lame excuse, that there were, in fact, a number of prosecutors who would have taken the case against Hillary.

Barr has his work cut out for him, and from what I have heard and read, he’s up to it. Hillary and her Deep State allies, who attempted to block Donald Trump’s election and, who after the election to bring down his presidency, must be publicly identified and duly punished.

            May God bless the United States of America.