Special: Our Nation’s Long Nightmare Will Soon Be Over

With an apology to former President Gerald Ford, I thought a variation on his words from his September 9, 1974 inauguration were appropriate today. 

THOSE ‘HONORABLE’ DIPLOMATS – Frankly, I’ve had it with the diplomats Adam Schiff is parading before the cameras with their hearsay and their vaunted foreign service experience.

I’ve written here how those testifying boasted of their long proud careers of public service, and that may be true of William B. Taylor and George P. Kent, who appeared before the Schiff committee this week, but it’s all meaningless in the push to unseat President Trump, who has the privilege of establishing his own foreign policy.

It’s a choreographed attempt to sway public opinion against President Trump, believing he should just keep his nose out of foreign policy and let the career professionals do their job.

Even anti-Trumper, Peggy Noonan, Wall Street Journal columnist, was taken in by Taylor and Kent saying, “They seemed to have capability and integrity. They weren’t Deep State (how does she know?); they were old school, old style … people who make it work, who maintain the standards, who keep it all up and running.  They were American diplomats, with stature and command of their subject matter.”

Where were they, Peggy, when President Obama reduced the stature of America around the world with his apology tour?

WHAT’S BEING IGNORED is the deep seeded Deep State hatred of President Trump that began even before the night he was elected. The fear that he was serious about draining the swamp began to set in.

On September 21, 2016, 75 former public servants signed a letter in opposition to Trump – “Donald J. Trump is entirely unqualified to serve as President and Commander-in-Chief.  He is ignorant of the complex nature of the challenges facing our country from, from Russia to China to ISIS to nuclear proliferation to refugees to drugs.

While stating this was the first time “many of us” have publicly endorsed a candidate, it is known that more than 90 percent contributed to Hillary Clinton’s campaign, because she had “a deep grounding of the tens of thousands of career officers on whom our national security depends.”

Who made these unelected “public servants” the judge and jury over who should be our president?

While writing about the protests in that nation’s capital, The Washington Post, just weeks after the inauguration, wrote “There’s another level of resistance to the new president that is less visible and potentially more troublesome to the administration; a growing wave of opposition from the federal workers charged with implementing any new president’s agenda.”

In other word’s – to hell with the fact that he was duly elected.

“Policy dissent is in our culture,” one diplomat told the New York Times. “We even have awards for it,” he said after referencing the State Department’s “Constructive Dissent” award.

“Less than two weeks into Trump’s administration,” the Post wrote, “federal workers were in regular consultation with recently departed Obama-era political appointees about what they can do to push back against the new president’s initiatives.  Some federal employees have set up social media accounts to anonymously leak word of changes that Trump appointees are trying to make.”

After a resistance meeting at a Beltway church, 180 federal employees signed up for a workshop the following weekend, where experts offered advice on how they can express civil disobedience.

“There’s nothing unusual about the entire national security bureaucracy of the United States feeling like their commander in chief is a threat to U.S. National Security,” said Tom Malinowski, Obama’s assistant secretary of state for democracy, human rights and labor.

One month in office, and he was already considered a threat to national security.

“He (Trump) may have to clean out the Justice Department because there are so many left-wingers there.  State is even worse,” said former House Speaker Newt Gingrich.

It’s in progress, Newt.

Early evidence of the opposition in Justice was revealed with acting attorney general Sally Yates refused to follow a presidential order to implement Trump’s refugee ban, and was promptly dismissed.

Kramerontheright recalls how newly appointed Attorney General Jeff Sessions committed an egregious error when he consulted Justice Department legal staff – many of them Obama holdovers – for advice on recusing himself in the Russia investigation.

Career staff members in at least five departments told the Post in 2017 that they were “staying in close contact with Obama administration officials to get advice on how to handle Trump initiatives they consider illegal or improper.”

Tom Perez, now the DNC chairman, admitted to staying in contact with his former Justice employees and was working to mobilize a grass-roots organization to combat what he termed “an existential threat.”

BACK TO FRIDAY’S HEARING – The appearance of former Ukraine Ambassador Marie Yovanovitch was nothing but a play for sympathy, because she was gone before the Trump-Zelensky phone call.

An ill-advised tweet by the president attacking her gave Schiff an opportunity to accuse the president of intimidation of the witness, however, she was in no position to raise any impeachable charges.

Incidentally, have you heard that the State Department placed Yovanovitch in Georgetown University’s Walsh School of Foreign Service in an elite gig as a diplomat in residence?

ATTORNEY GENERAL BARR GETS IT – In a Friday lecture at the Federalist Society’s 2019 National Lawyers Association gathering, William Barr, spoke of the endless  attacks on Trump and their bogus narrative that Trump is subverting the Constitution.

“One of the ironies of today is that those who oppose this president constantly accuse this administration of ‘shredding’ constitutional norms and waging war on the rule of law,” said Barr, noting that when he asks his friends on the other side what they’re referring to, he gets vacuous stares.

“While the president has certainly thrown out the traditional Beltway playbook, he was upfront about that beforehand, and people voted for him.

“The fact of the matter is that, in waging a scorched earth, no-holds-barred war of ‘resistance’ against this administration it is the left that is engaged in the systematic shredding of norms and the undermining of the rule of law,” he stated.

(Courtesy The Gateway Pundit)

COMING SOON TO A TV NEAR YOU – After three years of resistance by the Obama holdovers of the Deep State, Inspector General Michael Horowitz’s investigative report on the Justice Department will reveal the covert effort from within to undermine the Trump presidency.

The impeachment inquiry wasn’t going anywhere anyway, but surely the DOJ IG report will be so devastating to the Democrats, that it will make it no more than a mere distraction going nowhere.

Add to it the sequel – The Durham Report – and it is easy to imagine the pending death of the Democrat Party.

Truly, I believe our long nightmare may soon be over.

May God continue to bless the United States of America.