Marxist Angela Davis endorses Biden … he would fold to pressure … bats, but no baseball … the left using Fauci … and the myth of Biden in Pennsylvania

Here are my observations and opinions from my select news of the day.

FROM OUT OF THE PAST, Marxist and former Black Panther, Angela Davis, made an appearance on RT (Russia Today) the Russian propaganda channel, with a statement that should scare the hell out of Joe Biden supporters, who think he’s a moderate.


“I don’t see this election about choosing a candidate who will be able to lead us in the right direction,” Davis said.  “It will be about choosing a candidate who can most be effectively pressured into allowing more space for the evolving anti-racist movement.

“Biden is far more likely to take mass demands seriously.

“The election will ask us not so much to vote for the best candidate, but to vote for or against ourselves.  And to vote for ourselves I think that means that we will have to campaign for and vote for Biden,” Davis concluded.

MEANWHILE – The National Association of Police Organizations, that twice backed Obama-Biden, threw its support behind President Trump on Wednesday, citing his “steadfast and very public support” of law enforcement.

THERE MAY BE A HIATIS OF BASEBALL, but that hasn’t stopped the Black Lives Matter movement’s supply of baseball bats to its thugs.  A surveillance camera outside New York city hall shows “protestors” receiving a small shipment of bats from the trunk of parked vehicle.

It is believed that the bats were used to attack police supporters who gathered to march over the Brooklyn bridge into Manhattan.  Four police officers, including Chief Terence Monahan, the NYPD’s highest-ranking uniformed officer, was struck on the head.  Thirty-seven individuals were arrested, but most likely released soon thereafter.

Mayor Bill de Blasio’s “look the other way” policy has turned New York into a “no-go” city.

It isn’t the first time BLM thugs have received rioting supplies in this manner.  In Minneapolis and Washington DC, BLM weapon suppliers stashed bricks and Molotov cocktail bottles behind shrubs and trees near protest sites, including Lafayette Park across from the White House.

THE LEFT IS AGAIN ACCUSING the president of ignoring science, specifically Dr. Anthony Fauci, with his desire to reopen our economy and get our children back in school.  They would have Americans believe that President Trump and Fauci are “on the outs,” and that they are no longer speaking together.  Not true.

From the beginning of the outbreak, President Trump participated in the virus committee meetings and listened to Fauci, Dr. Deborah Birx and the other members.

Looking back, on February 29, 2020, Surgeon General Jerome Adams told people not to buy masks, saying they were “not effective in preventing the general public from catching the virus.”  Then, on March 8, 2020, Dr. Fauci told the viewers of CBS’s 60 Minutes, “There’s no reason to be walking around with a mask.”

Now, masks are being recommended.  Some even want mask wearing mandatory.

So, experts, too, make mistakes.  Let’s not forget that some of the same “experts” worked in previous administrations and left us short of pandemic supplies, non-existent or outdated.  While the president, early on, revealed this malfeasance on the part of the previous administration, no one in the leftist media has investigated it.

Now, if you believe the polls, Biden would have better handled the virus outbreak, when he, too, would have been faced with those same empty cupboards.

In an unprecedented move, President Trump called in executives of private sector companies to expedite supplies of medical needs.

BIDEN AND PENNSYLVANIA – In the few times Joe Biden has left the confines of his Delaware home over the last few months, nearby Pennsylvania has been his destination, where he continues to talk about being from Scranton, even though he left with family at the age of 10.

Since Donald Trump’s 2016 election, Pennsylvania has become the nation’s second largest producer of natural gas, accounting for 20 percent of total U.S. natural gas and a third of its shale gas; providing a tremendous economic boost for Pennsylvanians.

Since the fracking boom began, Pennsylvania’s carbon footprint has decreased 22 percent.

While Pennsylvania, like other states, is struggling with the virus outbreak, a Trump reelection will pave the way for recovery in the Keystone State.  A Biden victory, however, with his promise to end fracking, would result in a loss of 551,000 jobs.

Yet, we are told that swing states like Pennsylvania, Texas (1.1 million), Florida (711,000) and Ohio 500,000), all losing jobs with the fracking ban, all lean to Biden.

“(Biden’s) been snookered into supporting the Green New Deal and the mythical zero carbon economy,” commented Nick Deiuliis in The Hill.  And, Biden has said he would return the U.S. to the Paris Accord.

He says he will spend $2 trillion on renewable energy that will provide millions of jobs.  Fortunately, most of us recall the Obama-Biden “investment” in Solyndra and those non-existent “shovel ready” jobs.

Are those swing state voters that foolish?

May God continue to bless the United States of America.