Climate Change News Coverage Wasn’t Always Predictions of Doom


Realizing that there have been cyclical changes in our climate over centuries, I continue to be critical of the scare tactics leftists are attaching to drought, floods, wildfires, and natural disasters like tornados and hurricanes.

Of course, they blame our use of fossil fuels and the emissions being the primary cause and the Biden administration is throwing billions of dollars at an effort to go all-electric without considering the consequences.… read more

Are the Media Beginning to Turn on Biden?


I’ve been doing a lot of thinking about the media as you have probably detected from my recent posts on the media’s complicity with the deep state in helping Joe Biden win in 2020.

In my last post, “From Newsroom Nostalgia to the Truth in Reporting,” I shared with you quotes by columnists from various publications you may not read, because they are primarily from the elite east coast or the Beltway.… read more

From Newsroom Nostalgia to the Truth in Reporting


Checking my archives, in the past eight years I have written about the death of journalism 18 times, citing evidence of such mainly in the so-called mainstream media – The New York Times, The Washington Post, ABC, CBS, NBC, CNN and MSNBC.


After reading New York Times columnist Maureen Dowd’s recent opinion piece, “Requiem for the Newsroom,” I felt it was time to write my 19th commentary on the subject.… read more

Who Will It Be in 2024?


“Who’s Ready for Biden vs. Trump, Round Two?” – The Wall Street Journal

“Look at people’s faces when you say, ‘Looks like it’ll be Biden and Trump.’ These faces tell you everything – the soft wince, the shake of the head, the sigh. Those are the emblems of the 2024 campaign now.”read more

Liar, Liar, Pants on Fire


There were sayings in my childhood, and probably yours too, that we routinely said, like “Stick and stones may break my bones but words will never hurt me,” and “Liar, Liar, Pants on Fire.”

We said Liar, Liar Pants on Fire when someone was caught in a lie.

We saw the movie Pinocchio, in which the character Jiminy Cricket played the role of Pinocchio’s conscience, attempting to guide him in matters of right and wrong.… read more

Those Unelected Bureaucrats Pushing the Biden Agenda


Regular readers may recall my criticism of unelected bureaucrats in decision-making regulatory positions, who are responsible for the overreaching in how we live our lives, from free speech to setting miles per gallon requirements.

Several examples of incompetence surfaced recently that I need to call to your attention just on the outside chance that you may not have heard about them.… read more