More Lies from the Biden-Harris Administration


“Look, the Inflation Reduction Act is the most significant investment ever to tackle the climate crisis, lowering utility bills, creating American jobs, and leading the world to a clean energy future.” – President Biden, February 7, 2023

“For working families, we have reduced heating and electrical bills so folks have more money in their pockets ….”read more

Trump’s Support is Reportedly Slipping; So Where are the Challengers?


There are several potential Republican candidates for president in 2024 who are waiting for the right time to announce their candidacy – Ron DeSantis, Tim Scott, and Chris Sununu.  They all have excellent resumes, but can they successfully take on former President Trump?  Yes, possibly, but any others considering the race might just as well not waste their time and ours.… read more

It’s Been a Wonderful Week for True Patriots


What a wonderful week it has been for Americans who have been seeking retribution, accountability, defense of the First Amendment and the preservation of democracy.

We have Elon Musk, Michael Shellenberger, Matt Taibbi, Tyler Vargas-Andrews, Reps. Kevin McCarthy and Michael McCaul and Tucker Carlson to thank. 

The likes of founders Thomas Jefferson and Patrick Henry and more recent respected individuals like Chesty Puller and Charles Pulitzer would be proud. … read more

Still Another ‘Follow the Money’ Story of Corruption from Our Nation’s Capital


If you watch television, you would be hard pressed not to see one of the many “ambulance chaser” commercials by trial law firms urging you to call them to see if you might qualify for a payout in the toxic water issue at Camp Lejeune.

The news side of those same television networks, however, haven’t told you about the corruption behind the commercials. … read more

Are Americans Buying Biden’s Paying One’s ‘Fair Share’ Message?


Surely, you’ve heard President Biden repeatedly talk about the wealthy needing to pay “their fair share,” while ridiculously stating that “no billionaire should pay a lower tax rate than a school teacher or firefighter.”

It’s all about scoring political points, because soaking the rich always goes over big with lower income individuals. … read more

You Read It Here First, Six Months Ago: Now It’s Time for Action


On September 14, 2022, I asked, “How is an American death by fentanyl different than death by an enemy bullet or a roadside IED?” 

Citing our successes in taking out Osama bin Landen, Qasem Soleimani and Ayman al Zawahiri, I wrote that we have the intelligence capability within our CIA to systematically destroy the Mexican pill labs, one by one.… read more