Another Law Created Without Enforcement


What in God’s name, to use a Biden phrase, do those Washington idiots think they’re accomplishing? 

Members of the House, overwhelming approved 396-27, legislation that would extend police protection to the immediate families of the justices, following legislation approved by the Senate earlier.  And President Biden is expecting to sign it.… read more

Sleep Well Tonight, or Maybe Not, Knowing Our Navy is Focused on the Existential Threat, Climate Change


Regular readers may recall my criticism of President Biden’s remarks at the Naval Academy’s graduation and commissioning ceremony during which he failed to mention how China is ramping up its navy while we are reducing our inventory.

Upon receiving a copy of “Climate Action 2030,” recently released by Navy Secretary Carlos Del Toro, in which he identifies climate change as an “existential threat” to the U.… read more

The Democrats Have Stepped In It Again


Over the past six months, I’ve been telling you how the Democrats planned to milk the January 6, 2021 protest on our nation’s Capitol, while warning that we faced the danger of losing our democracy, in an attempt to salvage control of the House and Senate.

At his Summit for Democracy, President Biden referred to “the defining challenge of our time,” noting that “democracy was in retreat in the U.S.” … read more

Kramerontheright Reader Service for Subscribers


I do considerable research of the media, in print and online, in an effort to produce a blog that gives you my commentary on what’s making news, and in the process, I often run across things I think you may have missed.  Here’s what I found.

Hillary’s Role in the Russia Smear

I almost didn’t read a Wall Street Journal op-ed about Hillary Clinton and the Russia hoax by Douglas Schoen and Andrew Stein, because both are Democrats, and I assumed it would consist of leftist talking points. … read more

Taking Time to Remember D-Day, June 6, 1945


Today marks the 78th anniversary of D-Day and the Battle of Normandy.  Visiting the cliffs overlooking the beaches 23 years ago left a memory so vivid that each year I feel obligated to relate that experience in this blog.

Coincidentally, as I went through my archives, I came across a brochure referring to the “bitter-sweet memories” that followed the bloody battles of the day that has become known as The Longest Day. … read more

On Biden’s First Day in Office, a ‘Click of a Switch’ Was Easy


“There’s a lot going on right now, but the idea we’re gonna be able to, you know, click a switch, bring down the cost of gasoline is not likely in the near term, nor is with regard to food.” – President Biden, June 1, 2022

That’s odd, on January 20, 2021, his first day in office, he was able to “click a switch” that effectively ended our energy independence.… read more

My Take on When You See Something Say Something


In 2001, “If you see something, say something” became a national campaign, launched to raise public awareness of the indicators of terrorism, as well as other suspicious activity, and reporting it to law enforcement.

While listening to President Biden, it occurred to me what he wasn’t saying, so I am devoting this post to things said and not said, seen and not seen.… read more

Having Their Say on the Uvalde School Shooting


President Biden:

Just minutes into President Biden’s May 24 remarks on the school shooting in Uvalde, Texas; after mourning the loss of the beautiful, innocent children, and the comforting words for the families, it was if he threw his “angry” switch.  We’re seeing it more frequently lately. Not just after killings, but when he’s confronted with uncomfortable topics, like inflation and gas prices.… read more

Media Quick to Cancel Trump’s Strength in Primaries


While the media likes to use “Ultra MAGA King” and “kingmaker” when referring to former President Trump’s strength in support of Republican primary candidates, they’ve begun casting doubt after just a few misfires.

Of course, the Washington Post reported that Trump is losing his kingmaker status “amid a growing number of signs that he has lost his hot hand in Republican primaries.”… read more