Knowing the players in the real collusion in the DOJ and FBI will help you understand the anti-Trump game

Remember how hawkers used to shout out – “Git your program here! … Ya can’t tell the players widout a program,” when you attended a sporting event? It’s getting that difficult with the players in the Department of Justice and Federal Bureau of Investigation. Continue reading

PC madness … Susan Rice’s advice … Benghazi probe gets boost … Trump administration stonewalls … IRS targeting continues … and another tale of ‘the swamp’

Here are my observations on selected items in the news.

YOU JUST CAN’T MAKE THIS STUFF UP – The Centennial School District in Portland, Oregon voted last week to change the names of three of their elementary schools – Lynch View, Lynch Wood, and Lynch Meadows – in response to some parents and school officials who believed “lynch” is a bleak reminder of a time in America when blacks were publicly hanged – lynched – by white mobs and the KKK.… read more