Trump’s missed opportunities

The first debate is behind us, and from my point of view it was pretty much a draw, with Lester Holt, a partisan moderator, aiding a  heavily scripted-scripted Hillary Clinton. edging a rather ill-prepared Donald Trump  I must admit being disappointed in the opportunities Trump missed to score solid points. Here are a few. Continue reading

Hillary says she wants us to hold her accountable

There she was – Hillary Clinton – in Greensboro, N.C., making her first appearance since her mysterious curbside collapse at the 9/11 memorial services on Sunday. She again took us through her endless list of ideas for spending our money, while ridiculing the ideas of Donald Trump. And what does she say, “I want you to hold me accountable.” Continue reading

Will a truly patriotic American in the Obama administration please step forward

No, I’m not looking for those who respect the stars and stripes. I’m looking for those civil servants who work in the State Department, the IRS, DOJ and the FBI, who have evidence of corruption, and possibly have that “smoking gun” e-mail in their possession.

Are their jobs more important than the preservation of our national security, our country, our law and order, and their integrity?… read more