Obama wants shareholders to bite the hand that feeds them in effort to push his climate change agenda

On Wednesday, I wrote about auto manufacturers having second thoughts about the EPA’s 2025 fuel efficiency standard they signed-on to in 2011, and the result of getting in bed with big government. They are forecasting difficulty in selling their cars – expected to cost some $6,000 more – in a market where low fuel prices prevail.

Now President Obama and his EPA have their sights set on the fossil fuel industry itself, making it even more difficult for auto makers to sell their cars. Continue reading

Auto manufacturers are having second thoughts on EPA’s 2025 fuel efficiency standard

“Auto manufacturers … you made your bed, now you have to lie in it.” – Eldon Kramer

For years I have written op-eds and posts to this blog criticizing weak-kneed auto manufacturers for caving to the demands of the EPA and mandated Café Standards for miles per gallon under administrations of both parties. Now they are voicing concern over their ability to meet the target 54.5 mpg by 2025, citing their belief that cheaper gas will reduce the demand for more fuel efficient cars. Continue reading

Bobby Jindal: Electing Trump is the second-worst thing we could do

“I was one of the earliest and loudest critics of Mr. Trump. I mocked his appearance, demeanor, ideology and ego in the strongest language I have ever used to publicly criticize anyone in politics. – Former Louisiana Governor Bobby Jindal

So wrote Jindal is his op-ed piece, “I’m voting Trump, Warts and All,” in today’s Wall Street Journal. “I worked harder than most, with little apparent effect, to stop his ascendancy,” he adds. Continue reading