Bobby Jindal: Electing Trump is the second-worst thing we could do

“I was one of the earliest and loudest critics of Mr. Trump. I mocked his appearance, demeanor, ideology and ego in the strongest language I have ever used to publicly criticize anyone in politics. – Former Louisiana Governor Bobby Jindal

So wrote Jindal is his op-ed piece, “I’m voting Trump, Warts and All,” in today’s Wall Street Journal. “I worked harder than most, with little apparent effect, to stop his ascendancy,” he adds.


An outspoken critic of Donald Trump, former Louisiana Governor Bobby Jindal speaks out in favor of a vote for Trump. (

Assuring readers that he has not experienced a sudden epiphany, he says, “I think electing Donald Trump would be the second-worst thing we could do this November, better only than electing Hillary Clinton to serve as the third term for the Obama administration’s radical policies.

He admits that Trump is “completely unpredictable,” but that Hillary is predictably liberal,” echoing my earlier post that “We have a candidate that we really don’t know (Trump), and another we know all too well (Clinton).”

It’s kind of a back-handed endorsement, but I highly recommend you read Jindal’s op-ed in its entirety. Click here.

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