Don’t count “Ole Joe” out just yet

“Honey, it’s gonna be okay.” – Joe Biden

That was Vice President Joe Biden near the conclusion of his statement Wednesday, during which he stated, “I will not be a candidate” (for president). He was recalling growing up in tough times, and his parents assuring him, his brother and sister that everything was going to be okay.

Was he trying to tell voters to hang in there; I’m here if Hillary goes south?


Joe Biden gave a lengthy speech via teleprompter to say he wasn’t a candidate for president as President Obama and Jill Biden looked on. (

There he stood, between President Obama and his wife, Jill, in the White House Rose Garden, taking us through his grieving process and the closing window to a realistic campaign for president.

But this political wonk believes “Ole Joe” has left that window open a crack to answer the call of the Democrat party should Hillary Clinton’s campaign sour. Will she satisfy the Select Committee on Benghazi, and escape criminal charges by the FBI for mishandling classified documents? Continue reading

Sanders helps Clinton white-wash e-mail scandal

“I think the American people are sick and tired of hearing about your damn e-mails.” – Rep. Bernie Sanders (D-VT).

There stood Sanders, looking like an angry curmudgeon, who has said he wants to stop the corruption in government; defending Hillary Clinton’s e-mail scandal as a mere nuisance people are tired of hearing in the campaign.… read more

GSA and VA team to waste money on artwork

“These artworks enhance the civic meaning of federal architecture and showcase the vibrancy of American visual arts.” – GSA website.

Just when you think you have heard everything about the Department of Veterans Affairs hospitals with the mishandling of cases involving our warriors who put their lives on the line for us, new scandals have surfaced.

Rock Sculpture

This sculpture, “Aggregate,” by Phillip K. Smith, was purchased for $483,000 for the courtyard of the VA hospital in Palo Alto, California. (Rep. Jeff Miller/Wash. Post)

Thanks to Rep. Jeff Miller(R-FL), the story of rampant wasteful spending on artwork for VA facilities, has been uncovered.

A $483,000 rock sculpture, meant to evoke “a sense of transformation, rebuilding and self-investigation,” has become part of a $1.3 million courtyard at the VA’s Palo Alto, Calif. Hospital.

At least $6.3 million has been spent on art and consulting services in the Palo Alto Health Care System, including $4, 190, 356 at the Palo Alto Medical Center, $1, 879,521 at the Monterey Health Care Center, and $280, 000 in other budgeted projects. Continue reading

The drip, drip, drip of scandal around Hillary continues

While Hillary Clinton’s e-mails dribble out, the FBI continues its investigation surrounding her e-mails and information on “pay for access,” to the secretary of state or the possible next president through Clinton foundation contributions, a new scandal has surfaced.

Clinton personally signed-off on the deal in 2012 that let her top aide, Huma Abedin, simultaneously work for the State Department and a private New York firm, the Teneo Group, with deep ties to the Clinton family.… read more

Climate change profiteers want deniers punished

Have you heard about those who have called for the execution, strangling and a sort of Nuremberg war crimes trial for climate change deniers?


Sen. Sheldon Whitehouse (D-RI) wants legislation to punish climate change deniers.(

It began with Sen. Sheldon Whitehouse’s (D-RI) calling for the criminal investigation of people and organizations seen as global warming deniers, using perhaps the Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations Act (RICO).

In an op-ed by Walter Williams, the esteemed John M. Olin Distinguished Professor of Economics at George Mason University (GMU), he wrote of a letter signed by 20 signatories calling for the president to use RICO to punish those who dispute the “consensus” of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change. Six of those who signed the letter are GMU faculty members. Continue reading

Hillary flip-flops on trade pact

If ever there was an example of a politician putting a finger in the air to see which way the political wind is blowing, it was obvious when Hillary Clinton, speaking on the Pacific Trade Agreement said, “I can’t support this agreement.”

This is the same Hillary Clinton, who as secretary of state, backed the pact, calling it the “gold standard” for trade deals during her 2012 trip to Australia.… read more

Obama and his EPA continue to cause job losses

Over the past few weeks I have posted a number of pieces on the cost of the Obama-Biden administration’s energy policy to the American taxpayer in the increase of electricity rates and the loss of jobs.


(Cartoon courtesy of americanenergyalliance,org)

Do you remember President Obama’s 2012 campaign promise that, if reelected, he would create one million new manufacturing jobs by the end of his second term? It looks like this will be another Obama unfulfilled promise as we have lost jobs over the past two months.

Now we learn that some four million jobs are at risk by the new EPA rules over the next 25 years, which Investor’s Business Daily says is “equal to putting every worker in Ohio out of work.” Continue reading

When are we going to say ‘no’ to café standards?

For years, I have written critical pieces about the government’s interference in automobile and truck manufacturing by introducing strict emission goals. And at the same time, I have been critical of the manufacturers for caving to the heavy hand of government.

Cartoon courtesy of

The recent tests that caught VW cheating to meet U.S. emissions goals for nitrogen oxide shouldn’t surprise anyone, and if you think VW is the only manufacturer looking for ways to meet the emission standards, you’re dreaming. Keep in mind that emission goals are just part of their problem; manufacturers also need to produce a safe, well-performing car that the public can afford to purchase without a government subsidy. Continue reading

No better time for the GOP to use the nuclear option

“Americans by a significant margin oppose Obama’s nuclear capitulation to Iran. The GOP is in the majority in both houses. Yet the Stupid Party still gets snookered.” – Investor’s Business Daily

 I know … I know … I was critical of Sen. Harry Reid’s (D-NV) use of the nuclear option in the Senate when he was majority leader, and, yes, I was supportive of Sen. Mitch McConnell’s decision to return “the world’s greatest deliberative body” to regular order.


(Editorial cartoon courtesy

The free world, however, is facing a serious juncture in the realm of foreign policy on the agreement with Iran, and nobody seems to be taking it seriously. Columnist Charles Krauthammer believes, “No international agreement in a generation matches this one in strategic significance and geopolitical gravity.” Continue reading

Baltimore’s costly down payment to prevent further rioting

Baltimore to pay Freddie Gray’s family $6.4 million to settle civil claims   – Baltimore Sun

Unbelievable! In the wrongful death civil suit in Maryland, Baltimore has settled with the Freddie Gray family for $6.4 million.  Some have called extortion to prevent further rioting.

Put aside the fact that civil suits are generally handled after the criminal suit and that those six Baltimore police officers yet to go on trial are now practically found guilty by the payoff.


Freddie Gray’s mother, Gloria Darden, a heroin addict who cannot read, will receive $5.36 in a settlement over the loss of her son. (

Put aside the fact that when it comes to wrongful death decisions in Maryland, the payout to the Gray family is simply ridiculous. Since 2011, the city has settled more than 120 cases of alleged police brutality with just six exceeding $200,000, and none close to the Gray settlement. Even settlements in Maryland traffic deaths average just $500,000. Continue reading