Not all on left coast are clueless

Jeep Billboard No CompromiseHaving recently returned from a driving trip to the left coast, it was the last place I expected to get a favorable comment on the motto on the back window of my Jeep Grand Cherokee (left).

After all, we drove through the pass of the liberals’ ugly failure monuments to Obama alternative energy –windmills, we learned that it is permissible there for ISIS to set up a table with literature, and we heard more

The best hits on Hillary Clinton at CPAC

While watching some of the televised speeches and panels at the recent Conservative Political Action Committee (CPAC) meeting, Sen. Marco Rubio and Carly Fiorina impressed me with their candid views of Hillary Clinton.

Rubio’s single word responses to the series of names, issues and events during Sean Hannity’s lightning round was the most memorable for its simplicity.… read more

It’s time to take a stand on Homeland Security bill

Republicans don’t have the votes to pass its Homeland Security Bill, which calls for full funding of the agency with the exception of funding for the president’s amnesty immigration bill, putting the party in a dilemma as funding for the agency runs out on Feb. 27.

A friend wrote to me last week concerned about the Homeland Security Bill and the dubious position ahead for Republicans, including a copy of a thoughtful letter he wrote to Arizona Senators John McCain and Jeff Flake in which he asks that they consider the advice offered in Karl Rove’s Feb. 18 op-ed in the Wall Street Journal.

Essentially, Rove allows that the  preliminary injunction by federal district Judge Andrew Hansen stopping the implementation of the president’s immigration executive order, gives the GOP an opportunity to extract itself.  It would give Republicans a chance to make their point  on an issue where they  agree the president overstepped his authority, while avoiding getting blamed for a shutdown.

Meanwhile, conservative columnist Charles Krauthammer writes, “Republicans find themselves on the sidelines bleating plaintively about violations of the separation of powers.  But there is a way out for the GOP.  Go bold.  Go nuclear.  Abolish the filibuster.  Pass the bill and send it to the president.” Continue reading

Did you hear the one about no scandals in the Obama White House?

   “I’m proud of the fact that basically you’ve had an administration that’s been in place for six years in which there hasn’t been a major scandal … and I think that says a lot about the ethical strictures of this administration.” – David Axelrod, former advisor to President Obama

Those were the words of Axelrod during a session at the University of Chicago’s Institute of Politics. … read more

Surprise! There were Jews in the Jewish kosher deli

“It is entirely legitimate for the American people to be deeply concerned when you’ve got a bunch of violent, vicious zealots who behead people or randomly shoot a bunch of folks in a deli in Paris.” – President Obama

Obama (

President Obama referred to the Paris shooters as a bunch of violent, vicious zealots in his interview with (

Those are the words of the president from a January interview with’s Matt Yglesias made public this week, as he indicated the media overstates the terrorist threat and said his job fighting terrorism was akin to a big city mayor fighting crime.

“A bunch of violent, vicious zealots” is his latest description to avoid referring to Islamic radicals.  How are we ever going to defeat the scourge of this barbaric group if our leader stubbornly refuses to properly identify our enemy?

And, surely he doesn’t believe those “zealots,” who openly detest Jews, “randomly” selected a Jewish kosher deli to “randomly” murder its customers, who most certainly would be (and were) Jewish.

Of course, supporters of the president attributed his inappropriate word choice to a lack of a teleprompter.  What does that say about his ability to think on his feet? Continue reading

And she wants to be president, Part 9

As you probably know, Hillary Clinton is expected to make the issue of economic inequality in the United States the cornerstone of her presidential campaign in 2016.

Hillary (AP)

Hillary Clinton knows that the longer she isn’t a declared candidate the less time critics will have to pick apart her positions. (AP)

News that “the charitable foundation run by Clinton and her family has received as much as $81 million from wealthy international donors who were clients of HSBC’s controversial Swiss bank,” published in the UK’s The Guardian, should concern her followers.

Leaked files revealed accounts of seven donors to the Bill, Hillary and Chelsea Clinton Foundation. A Canadian mining magnate is one of the foundation’s biggest financial backers, and a British retail magnate, used his tax-free Geneva account to transfer $1 million into the foundation.

Meanwhile, the New York Times reports that “Dennis Cheng, a trusted aide to Hillary Rodham Clinton, will leave his post at the Bill, Hillary and Chelsea Foundation this week and is expected to join Mrs. Clinton’s campaign preparation efforts as a fund-raiser.  He helped the Foundation secure a $246 million endowment there in 18-months. Continue reading

Obama, Big Government turn on pharmaceutical firms

Remember how candidate Barack Obama attacked K Street and the culture of lobbyists, special interests and backroom deals?  Within a few months, however, he was sitting with CEOs of pharmaceutical companies to make a deal he thought would help insure the success of health care reform.

Pharma (

Pharma (courtesy

Oh, how some decisions can come back to bite you in the ass.  Such was the deal PhRMA, the drug industry’s lobbying group, made when they sat at the ObamaCare negotiation table with President Obama in 2009.

Seeing the opportunity to increase their revenues as more people would be filling prescriptions for their products, they made a deal that tied them to the support of ObamaCare, and to advocate on its behalf.

They couldn’t get to the White House fast enough, and contributed $80 million to promote ObamaCare.  It also provided additional Medicaid discounts. Continue reading

A study to tell us what we already knew

Over the past few years, I have written extensively about my belief that extending the unemployment payments was a disincentive to work.  People who took advantage of the multiple extensions became the subject of pieces appearing in newspaper and magazines and television news.

“Too many Americans took advantage of a system that was meant to be a temporary cushion, and stopped looking for work as long as the free ride continued,” I wrote in my Nov.… read more