COMMENTARY: Radical Left Proposes Federal Takeover of Elections with Drastic Changes that Threaten Democracy with HR 1

FOR THE PEOPLE ACT – That’s the public relations title the crafty progressives on the left have assigned to HR 1, a bill that would change our election process on a massive scale never before attempted.  It’s also referred to as the “voting rights” bill; who wouldn’t support that?

I had intended comment on HR 1 for days, but it was an ad in the leftist Arizona Republic newspaper this morning that triggered this commentary. … read more

Biden’s Pathetic First Prime-Time Address to the Nation


PATHETIC – That’s the word I believe best describes President Biden’s TV appearance Thursday night.  On one hand, there were those who had high expectations on the one-year anniversary of the pandemic.  On the other hand, there were those with mixed expectations.

I am sure there were Biden supporters who were pumped. … read more

Democrats and women … they opposed voting rights for women … Trump pardons Susan B. Anthony … truth from the Times … Wall Street funds for Biden-Harris … ‘senile’ not a medical term … and laugh-of-the-day

THE HEADLINE, BIDEN AND HARRIS ARE ANTI-WOMAN on the piece by Jodi Giddings in the blog Victory Girls is a bit strong, but she makes excellent points about the Democrat Party that do not get mentioned in the leftist media.

She reminds us that most Democrats were opposed to the 19th Amendment – the right of women to vote – including President Woodrow Wilson. … read more

Trump’s choice, Tuberville wins Alabama primary … Sessions graceful in defeat … Geraldo Rivera makes ridiculous prediction … vaccine progress … socialist Seattle … Sen. Blackburn take on BLM … and 86 percent of shootings in Oakland, California go unreported

Here are my observations and opinions from my select news of the day.
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More craziness … Schumer and Pelosi pandering … Drew and Brittney Brees disappoint … the Dem plan for justice … defunding is a leftist fantasy … my view of federal involvement in policing … Shelby Steele speaks … NPR wants to censor your reading … and Lisa Page hired by MSNBC/NBC

Here are my observations and opinions from my select news of the day.
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