We won’t miss you, Ma’am

Sen. Barbara Boxer announced she will not seek reelection in 2016. She apparently sees the handwriting on the wall for her party (politico.com)
Sen. Barbara Boxer (D-CA) announced she will not seek reelection in 2016. It’s appropriate, I think, that the signal memory of her is one that clearly illustrates the arrogance of this egotistical, liberal senator. It was in June 2009, during testimony by Brig. Gen. Michael Walsh of the Army Corps of Engineers, when he addressed her as “ma’am.” Senator Boxer immediately interrupted him saying, “Do me a favor, can you say ‘senator’ instead of ‘ma’am?’” Continuing, she said, “It’s just that I worked hard to get that title, so I’d appreciate it. Thank you.” Click here if you want to see it.
A good soldier, he obliged, but it will be this incident that will linger when Boxer’s name surfaces long after she’s gone.
Obama: “al Qaeda has been decimated.”
In November 2012, as President Obama was running for reelection, news sources reported that he had described al Qaeda as having been “decimated, on the path to defeat or on the run” 32 times since the Benghazi attack.
When is our president going to stop covering for Muslim radicals? Following the al Qaeda attack in Paris last week, the president again refused to tie the terrorist assault to radical followers of Islam. With his intelligence sources, he certainly was made aware that the terrorists claimed they were al Qaeda as the shouted Allahu Akbar, a fact we learned just minutes into the news coverage. And, did you notice that the so-called leader of the free world was absent when other global leaders gathered in Paris on Sunday?
While in Tennessee
The president failed to mention the Paris terrorist attack while in Phoenix mid-week, guidance he should have followed while in Knoxville on Friday. He opened his speech there with his usual banter that included poking fun at Vice President Biden. The laughter had barely stopped when the president transitioned to the tragedy in Paris, speaking of France being our oldest ally. But in mere moments, he drifted back to campaign Obama mode, telling the audience how happy he was to be back in Tennessee. If he felt compelled to talk about Paris, he should have opened his appearance saying, “Unfortunately, I must begin on a very serious note …” After six years, I continue to expect him to exhibit statesmanship, but what we get is his stand-up comedian routine.
Warren and Obama Disagree

Sen. Elizabeth Warren is painting a different picture of the economy than President Obama. (usatoday.com)
While we constantly hear about the division within the Republican Party, it was interesting to note that as the president was on the trail attempting to convince Americans the economy is finally back on track because of steps he has taken, Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-MA) is saying otherwise.
Although she acknowledges that corporate profits and economic growth are up, the stock market is booming, and unemployment is down, “the overall picture doesn’t tell us much about what’s happening at ground level to tens of millions of Americans,” she said. “Despite the cheery numbers, America’s middle class is in deep trouble.” Neither noted the drop in wages.
Then there’s the progressive, Hillary Clinton, who has been forced to move left from the centrist position she prefers. Even if Warren stays out of the race for president, she will be voice on the left that Hillary will have to confront if she decides to run.