You have to be a champion, Hillary, before you can champion for everyday Americans

“Everyday Americans need a champion.  And I want to be that champion.” – Hillary Clinton

Well, she’s in.  And she wants you to think the election isn’t all about her, but about the forgotten middle class with “the deck stacked in favor of those at the top.”

Her low-key social media announcement features everyday Americans – a black couple, Asians, Hispanics, white working-class people of all ages, students and, yes, two men who are planning to get married.  It isn’t until the tail end of the video that you see a smiling Hillary, telling viewers that because you need a champion, “I’m hitting the road to earn your vote … because it’s your time.”

Not hers, because it’s not about her.  Yeah, right.

There’s been a lot written about the need for Hillary to undergo an image makeover.  She needs to learn how to relate to the little guy.  She needs to exude a warmth and personable presence. It reminds me of when Al Gore was told he needed to  improve his image by ditching the tight dark suits and wear casual slacks with earth tones.

Cartoon courtesy IBD Michael Ramierez

Cartoon courtesy IBD Michael Ramierez.

Fortunately, there are number of us who remember the real Hillary. Click here.

We remember how she wasn’t the champion for the four Americans killed in the Benghazi raid by ignoring five months of warnings, denying additional security funding and fostering the lie that “it was the video.”

We remember the donations from foreign countries to the Bill, Hillary and Chelsea Clinton Foundation.

We remember how she deleted thousands of “personal” e-mails from her server after they were requested by Congress.

We remember her calling Syria’s Bashar al-Assad “a reformer.”

We remember the embarrassing occasion when she presented Russia’s Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov with a reset button.

Of course, Hillary’s campaign manager John Podesta is assuring Democrat contributors that these controversies will pass and soon be forgotten.

Not if I can help it.

What Difference