They can’t name a single Hillary accomplishment, but they like her as their president

I don’t know how Bloomberg’s Mark Halperin thought a group of low-information people could name an accomplishment of Hillary Clinton as secretary of state. You may recall that former State Department spokesperson Jen Psaki couldn’t answer that question either.

Hillary (

As polls show that people don’t trust Hillary Clinton, a group of Iowa supporters still back her even though they cannot name a single accomplishment of her tenure as secretary of state. (

But try he did.  Halperin sat down with a focus group interview of Hillary Clinton supporters in Iowa recently and the response was silence when he asked a man, a woman who passed and a second woman, who couldn’t respond to that question.  Click here to watch.

Earlier in the interview, a black woman had obviously consumed the Kool Aid. Another woman was willing to put herself down, confessing that Hillary was a better woman than she was, surviving Monica Lewinsky among other things.

At the end, a young man admitted Hillary wasn’t perfect, but said “she has great policies,” while criticizing Scott Walker because of his anti-union position.
