Sure, Hillary, we believe you

“I always thought this would be a competitive race.” – Hillary Clinton


Hillary never believed the “anointed” and “entitled” clichés about her run for the presidency. (

Yeah, Hillary … while the rest of us were hearing words like “entitled”… “anointed”… “it’s her time” and “her turn,” you want us to believe you were thinking otherwise. You knew all along that Bernie Sanders would be as popular as he has demonstrated.

It took a bit of digging, but I found a piece by Myra Adams I had remembered seeing in The Daily Beast some time ago. “Not having a real primary will be a tremendous advantage for Hillary, thus freeing her up to concentrate on the general-election battle…,” wrote Adams, “claiming any opposition would be “symbolic.”


Myra Adams’ 16 reasons Hillary will win have been whittled down to five. (

In Adams’ Aug. 3, 2013 piece, “16 Reasons Why Hillary Clinton Will Win 2016,” she used every tired cliché to promote Clinton as a shoo-in, including, “Hillary has it locked up” … “poised to be elected”… ”Madame President”…“The triumph of the 60s feminist movement” … “your vote will be used as a hammer to break the glass ceiling of the Oval Office“… “Obama was hailed as the messiah, and Hillary will be the queen,” and “it would appear as if Hillary were the incumbent.”  All this “despite a lack of any real accomplishment,” Adams readily concedes.

“The once deadly ‘Clinton fatigue’ that plagued Hillary in 2008 now lives only in the minds of Republicans,” Adams believes (hopes). She states that because of Hillary’s highs and lows, the “unholy alliance” of cultural and media forces truly believe that it’s her time, that she deserves it. There are those words, again.

Since that piece was written two years ago, my curiosity got the best of me and I found an April 2015 National Review piece in which she now believes there are just “Five Reasons Why Hillary Wins in 2016.”


Cartoon courtesy of and cartoonist gary varvel.

“The sane voters know that Hillary Clinton is not trustworthy and represents all that is wrong with Washington, “wrote Adams, “We know that she carries more baggage than an airport luggage carousel.”

Yet she follows with her list of five factors that “make her (Hillary’s) victory almost inevitable.”

First: It’s time for a woman president. Fifty-three percent of all voters are women and Obama won this group by an 11-point margin.

Second: The Electoral College is slanted in favor of the Democrat nominee.

Third: She’ll have Obama’s voter coalition of women, minorities and young people.

Fourth: She’ll have her husband campaigning for her, and he has a 56 percent positive rating according to an NBC/Wall Street Journal poll.

Fifth: The GOP has lost the popular vote in five of the past six presidential elections.

Stay connected for Adams’ next prediction.