As I opined yesterday, Donald Trump’s foreign policy speech this week fell flat among experts. And this morning, the left-leaning USA Today did a quasi fact check of the speech.
Reading the paper’s fact check of Trump’s criticism of Hillary Clinton’s response to the Sept. 11, 2012 Benghazi attacks reveals how much the left has bought into the Obama-Clinton handling of the event.
“The evidence shows Clinton was actively involved in responding to the attacks, and subsequent investigations concluded the government response was appropriate,” according to USA Today. So, no response was “appropriate.”
In response to Trump’s remark that Clinton blamed the attack on an anti-Muslim video, the paper acknowledged that the administration, including Clinton, did initially cite the video as the reason for the attacks, however, “Clinton was quicker than other top administration officials – including Obama – to call it a terrorist attack.” To USA Today, 10 days later equates to “quicker.”
Through examination of her e-mails, we now know that she privately confided to her daughter, Chelsea, about an hour after the attack that the compound was attacked by an al Queda-like group. Her public acknowledgement wasn’t made known until Sept. 21, 2016.
You will recall that Clinton attributed the confusion over blame was the result of the “fog of war.”
I continue to be disappointed in those who focus only on the lack of response to the attack. As I have commented previously, I would ask Clinton why she ignored five months of warnings against Americans in Benghazi, while Great Britain and the American Red Cross heeding threats and pulled out.
I am optimistic that the House Select Committee on Benghazi will name names in its report.
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