Columnist Dennis Prager paints dark picture of America with Clinton or Trump

As a political news wonk, who has become extremely discouraged with much of the American public and their fascination with Donald Trump, and Hillary Clinton for that matter, I was drawn to “A Dark Time in America,” a recent column by Dennis Prager.

Prager concedes that no matter which candidate is elected in November, he foresees a dark time in America similar to first years of the Civil War, when the survival of the United States as one country was in jeopardy.


Talk show host and columnist Dennis Prager calls the future of America “dark” under Trump or Clinton. (

He recalls the major wars we have experienced – World Wars I and II, the Korean and Vietnam wars – in terms of lives lost, and the Great Depression’s devastating effect on our economy.

“But in no other time has there been as much pessimism about America’s future as there is today,” writes Prager. “Every distinctive value on which America was founded is in jeopardy.”

Ted Cruz was correct to constantly remind voters of the overwhelming importance of the 2016 presidential election, but it seems to have fallen on deaf ears. We have one candidate we really don’t know, and another we know all too well.

Much of Prager’s picture of our future is focused on the young people of America.

While many are humored by the fascination by the young in Bernie Sanders’ socialist beliefs, Prager writes that, according to Pew Research, 47 percent of Americans, ages 18 to 29, believe that food, shelter and health care are a right that government should provide to those unable to afford them. “That means that nearly half of our young believe they have a legitimate claim on the labor and earnings of others for life’s basic necessities,” he points out.

Further, he reflects on how the young view family life and religious rights as being irrelevant. “The traditional family has become nothing more than one of the options open to Americans,” he exclaims. More frightening to our future, he says “some students regard the American flag as offensive and representational of imperialism and capitalism.”

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This sculpture of a dog peeing on the Orange County Museum of Art building is an example Prager often cites in his discussions on how standards of art have been destroyed. (

Even the arts have suffered in our educational institutions, according to Prager. “Artistic standards have been destroyed. In music, art and architecture, nonsense and ugliness have replaced the pursuit of meaning, education and beauty.”

Prager sees the size of the federal government and its far-reaching meddling in and control of our lives getting worse.

“Now there’s Clinton and Trump. Nothing exemplifies the dark time in which we are living than this political version of Sophie’s choice,” concludes Prager.

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