“You deserve a commander-in-chief that will provide smart, steady leadership, and I am absolutely confident that we can keep our country safe.” – Hillary Clinton speaking at a roundtable discussion on national security in Virginia on June 15, 2016.

Hillary Clinton failed to protect our compound and personnel in Benghazi, but she’s confident she can keep us safe from future lone wolf attacks (beforeitsnews.com)
Although Hillary Clinton still wasn’t willing to admit that it was a radicalized Muslim who brought terror down on Orlando, saying he may or may not have been inspired by a radicalized ideology, she announced that it was time for a substantive response to so-called lone wolves. She said that when she is elected president, she “will assemble a team to get on top of stopping lone wolves.”
I realize we don’t have that “smart, steady leadership” in the White House today, but if she’s so confident that she has the answer to our concern over possible future attacks, why doesn’t she share it with her mentor, President Obama, FBI Director James Comey, and Homeland Security Secretary Jeh Johnson. She can explain to them how her assembled team will accomplish what they have not been able to do.
Knowing how she failed on her watch to protect her State Department compound in Benghazi and the ambassador and three other Americans who were slaughtered there, who would listen to her advice? And how we can trust this woman, who mishandled national security documents after signing a pledge to protect them?
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