George Will quits Republican party; not to worry

I wasn’t surprised to learn yesterday that conservative columnist George Will has abandoned the Republican party.   In May, Will and Donald Trump traded insults, with Will calling Trump a “bloviating ignoramus,” and Trump responding by calling Will the “dumbest and most overrated political commentator of all time.”

I have long appreciated Will’s political insight, but I have to agree with a comment aired on Fox’s Media Buzz yesterday, that Will’s departure was not seen as a serious event considering that he is little known among average voters.


Columnist George Will (

A Washington Post columnist with a syndicated column, Will, an intellectual, has a tendency to write over the heads of most readers, and is identified with Beltway establishment politics at a time when there is an anti-Washington fervor.

“Most Republicans who call themselves conservatives today have rejected Will’s old fashioned views on the issues for the most part,” wrote Dick Moran in American Thinker, “so his defection is not going to have any discernible impact on the race.”

Word of Will’s decision was revealed during an interview following his appearance before the Federalist Society luncheon. He told attendees to “make sure he (Trump) loses,” and to grit their teeth for four years with Hillary Clinton and win back the White House.

In an aside, you may recall that it was Will, who hosted a dinner party in his home for President-elect Barack Obama on Jan. 13, 2009, with fellow conservatives Charles Krauthammer, William Kristol, David Brooks, all of whom were among Obama’s severest critics during the campaign.

Will offers poor advice when he suggests conservatives vote for Clinton. Though I am not a Trump fan, Hillary Clinton in the White House would be disastrous.

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