In my June 29, 2016 post, “Lack of leadership, blinded by politics, findings of House Select Committee on Benghazi,” I wrote of the liberal New York Times article reporting, “no new evidence of wrongdoing by Hillary Clinton.”
Refusing to concede that Hillary was guilty of any professional misconduct or dereliction of duty, the Times again shifted the focus to the cost and time involved in the conduct of the investigation.

A bad week. With her lack of trust rising, Hillary Clinton’s failure to secure the Benghazi compound again surfaces in House report, followed by a three-hour interview session with the FBI on Saturday regarding her misuse of e-mails. (conservative tribune)
Despite innumerable requests for additional security by Ambassador Chris Stevens and reports of other hostile attacks and threats in the five-month period leading up to the Sept. 11, Benghazi hit, all cited in the report, the Times pooh poohed the charges offering that the issues were “outside Mrs. Clinton’s immediate purview.”
Perhaps most revealing was the paper’s continued belief that the Benghazi attack was the result of the video, saying that our ambassador and three others “were killed at the main American diplomatic compound in Benghazi by a mob of militia fighters who had been incited by an American-made video deriding the Prophet Muhammad.”
When word leaked out about Bill Clinton’s June 27, 30-minute “impromptu” meeting with Attorney General Loretta Lynch aboard her plane on Phoenix’ Sky Harbor’s general aviation flight line, Lynch tried to pass it off as a social visit with a discussion of the new Clinton grandchild.
Rather than stating its own opinion of the meeting, the Times chose to simply report that Lynch’s response “did not mollify Republican lawmakers,” and took the opportunity again to state that “criminal indictments (in the FBI investigation) were unlikely.”
Left-leaning journalist Mark Halperin of Bloomberg Politics remarked to Matt Lauer on NBC’s Today Show that it was just Bill being Mr. Sociable, but did admit that to talk about grandkids for a half hour seemed to be bit of a stretch.
When news of Hillary’s meeting with the FBI was revealed today, the Times was quick to quote a Clinton spokesperson saying, “She (Hillary) was pleased to have had the opportunity to assist the Department of Justice in bringing this review to a conclusion.” All while accompanied by five lawyers, I should add.
There were eight FBI and DOJ representatives in today’s interview with Hillary as they appear to be wrapping up the investigation on her.
Hillary and her lemmings are voicing that the Benghazi report produced no smoking gun or “there there,” and contend the FBI investigation, too, will uncover no wrongdoing.
I wish I was as confidant that an indictment was imminent, but as I have stated before, it appears the fix is in.
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