A history lesson for blacks

Donald Trump is asking black voters what they have to lose voting for him, pointing out the stunning economic statistics showing that their lives under the Obama administration have gotten worse.

Don’t expect them to leave the Democrat Party, however, because Democrats care and Republicans don’t care. At least that’s what they’ve been told for the past five or six decades.


(Graphic courtesy Roland Martin Reports.com)

Blacks have been celebrating Black History Month since 1970, and while they take the occasion to speak of the 13th Amendment that ended slavery, the 14th Amendment granting citizenship and equal rights, and the 15th Amendment granting voting rights, they fail to recognize that it was the Republican Party that assured passage of those amendments.

After Republican President Abraham Lincoln issued his Emancipation Proclamation, in 1865 the 13th Amendment was passed with a unanimous 88 of 88 Republicans in the House and 30 of 20 in the Senate. Just 16 of 66 Democrats in the House and three of eight in the Senate voted for it.

All 128 voting Republicans in the House and 30 of the 322 in the Senate voted for the 14th Amendment, while no Democrat of the 36 in the House and six in the Senate voted for it.

The 15th Amendment passed with ease with 143 Republican votes in the House and 39 votes in the Senate.

It’s interesting to note that between 1870 and 1875, the Republicans passed many pro black American civil rights laws, but when the Democrats took control of the House in 1876 no further race-based civil rights laws passed until 1957.

In 1892 the Democrats gained control of the House, Senate and the presidency and repealed all of the Republican-passed civil rights laws.

Eighty per cent of Republicans voted for the 1964 Civil Rights Act compared to 64 per cent of Democrats.

I would ask you to challenge your black friends on these facts if I thought it would it would make a difference, but they would probably say, “that was then-what have the Republicans done for us lately.” To that you could respond, “what have the Democrats done for you except make you more government dependent?”

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