No more Obama’s, please … Hillary’s whining tour … the popular vote and the electoral college … and the media and gun control

Here are my observations and opinions on the news of the day.

OH MY GOD! One Barack Obama was enough. While speaking about his future post-presidency plans at a conference in Japan, former President Obama talked abut engaging young people in shaping new young leaders in his mold.

“If I could do that effectively, then – you know – I would create a hundred or a thousand or a million young Barack Obamas or Michelle Obamas,” he said.

He indicated that he would like to find “ways in which we can study this phenomenon of social media and the Internet to see if there are ways in which people with different perspectives to start having a more civil debate and listen to each other more carefully.”

Oh, really. Like your civil debate with Sen. John McCain during the February 25, 2010 health care summit, Mr. President?

When the senator complained of the “unsavory” deal-making to get the bill passed in the Senate, the president tried to interject, but the senator responded, “Can I finish, please,” and went to say, “The people are angry. We promised them change in Washington and what we got was a process that you and I both said we would change.”

Visibly annoyed, and tired of “listening” to McCain’s attempt to have a “civil debate,” Obama snarkily responded with “We’re not campaigning anymore – the election’s over.”

One Barack Obama and Michelle Obama are all we can endure.

HILLARY’S WHINING TOUR CONTINUESAppearing at Rutgers University last week, Hillary claimed that no man who lost a presidential election was ever told to just shut up and go away.

“I was really struck by how people said that to me – you know – most people in the press, for whatever reason – mostly, ‘Go away, go away,” she said. “And I had one of the young people who works for me go back and do some research. They never said that to any man who was not elected. I was kind of struck by that,”

Fact checking Hillary, David Greenfield, writes, “Nobody is telling Hillary Clinton to go away because she’s a woman. (Just as her being a woman had nothing to do with her defeat.) In his piece, “Fact Check:” Hillary Clinton is Wrong, Male Dem Losers Also Told to Go Away,” Greenfield cites examples of coverage given of Bill Clinton, Jimmy Carter and Al Gore. “In all of those cases, they launched a post-election because that left the lost election behind,’ he says.

“Hillary’s comments show that she’s oblivious to the reasons for her own post-election unpopularity,” Greenfield concludes.

SPEAKING OF HILLARY – Remember her recent comment that it was the forward- thinking voters on each coast who voted overwhelmingly for her, while those of us in flyover country desiring change, simply didn’t know what we were doing voting for Donald Trump?

Her comments seemed to generate a piece now circulating on the Internet. It reminds us that the Electoral College was formed to ensure that two densely populated areas cannot speak for the nation.

According to the Internet piece, there are 62 counties in New York State; 46 of which Trump won, while Clinton won just 16. But Clinton won the popular vote by approximately 1.5 million votes, primarily from the five counties encompassing New York City.

Those five counties alone more than accounted for Clinton winning the popular vote of the country, but the left coast certainly added to the count.

ARE YOU READY FOR THIS? Those five counties comprise 319 square miles, while the entire United States covers 3,797,000 square miles. Why should voters who inhabit a mere 319 square miles dictate the outcome of a national election?

New York, Los Angeles and Chicago, where most of our nation’s problems foment, are densely populated by Democrats, and they should not – thanks to the Electoral College – speak for the majority of the country.

MORE EVIDENCE OF THE DEATH OF JOURNALISM – While the media is glued to the foul-mouthed, gun control student activists of the Parkland, Florida high school, the successful handling of a shooting in Maryland high school gets no press.

While the real story behind the Parkland shooting is all but forgotten – the lack of attention to the shooter’s early behavior by the students, the school administration, local law enforcement, an arrogant sheriff and the FBI, the media is joined at the hip of student David Hogg.

They didn’t hesitate to help him return fire on Fox commentator Laura Ingraham, who tweeted that he was “whining’ over being rejected by a number of colleges. Of course, a half-dozen or so of her weak-kneed advertisers have pulled their commercials from Ingraham’s show.

While I believe advertiser boycotts are generally ill-conceived, I certainly plan to avoid purchasing the products of those companies who no longer support Ingraham.

IF YOU HAVEN’T HEARD, the armed resource officer who responded and confronted the Maryland school student shooter in minutes has received little attention for his quick response.   Another reason you have learned little of the Maryland event, it has been determined that 14 Maryland gun laws did not stop the shooter.

The Maryland story simply doesn’t fit the agenda of activist journalism.