The left spews hate … what if the Dems return to power … Sanders and Nielsen victims of animus … Michigan utilities allow Steyer to dupe residents … and McCain staffer tied to IRS scandal

Here are my observations and opinions on selected news of the day.

THE LEFT USES ‘HATE’ – Like me, I would venture to say that you, too, have never seen anything like this before on the political scene. The Democrats, with their complicit media, easily leap from one failed attempt to another to try to do in the Trump presidency.

Despite President Trump’s highly productive first 500 days in office, the left simply refuses to give him any credit, whether it’s his impressive domestic achievements with jobs and tax cuts, or his appeasement-free foreign policy that forced Kim Jung Un to the negotiation table.

Now they want to paint him with a lack of compassion in dealing with the border issue. Things are so bad that it brought MSNBC’s Rachel Maddow to tears on air – a pathetic performance.

Appearing on MSNBC’s anti-Trump show “Morning Joe,” guest Donnie Deutsch referred to Trump voters as Nazi’s, adding that “there shouldn’t be a referendum on the president, but on the people who support him.”

CNN’s Chris Cillizza was quick to praise the photo-shopped cover of TIME magazine and shamelessly said, “The simple fact is that compassion and empathy are not strong suits for this President.” Yet when the president invited to the White House the families – mostly mothers – who lost their children “permanently” – not temporarily separated – to tell how their loved ones were killed by illegal aliens, guess what network packed up their cameras and left? CNN.

THINK LEFTISTS ARE INSUFFERABLE NOW – Earick Ward, writing in American Thinker, offers what it would be like if they regain power in 2018 and 2020. “It’s not enough that we disagree about the ideological path forward for the country; the left has ascribed animus to our world view, and by extension, to us individually.”

“Think about it. There was Hillary Clinton, calling us ‘deplorables;” Peter Strzok referring to the president as a ‘f***ing idiot and supporters he could ‘smell;” and the countless references to us as Nazi’s by the media and Congressmen. That’s hate, folks.”

“Watch the nightly news,” Ward cautions. We are Nazi’s, fascists, racists, homophobes, xenophobes, white supremacists, misogynists, and murderers. We are ripping children from their parents. Border security is anti-immigrant. We and the NRA want dead children. Tax reform was designed to benefit the evil rich, at the expense of the poor. Health care reform will kill millions of Americans. Being tough on North Korea is reckless, but willingness to discuss the surrender of nuclear ambitions is more reckless still. Education reform is intended to suppress people of color. Christianity is hatred toward women and gays. Opposition to climate change prognostications is science denial.”

If the left should regain power, “do not think for a minute that leftists will work to bridge differences,“ Ward writes, “I believe that our constitutional republic (would face) eventual demise.”

SPEAKING OF ANIMUS – The owner of a Virginia restaurant reportedly asked President Trump’s spokeswoman Sarah Sanders, her family and friends, to leave the restaurant at the behest of gays and lesbians who worked there.

This follows on the heels of Homeland Security Secretary Kristjen Nielsen’s decision to leave a Washington DC Mexican restaurant after an outburst of opposition to her presence. Groups have since shouted obscenities outside her home.

MICHIGAN TAKEN BY BILLIONAIRE – As someone born and raised in the state of Michigan, my curiosity was peaked when I saw the headline, “A California Billionaire Sets Michigan’s Energy Policy,” in the Wall Street Journal.

Tom Steyer, who spent $100 million in a losing effort during the 2016 elections and millions more on messaging climate change, plans to spend another $30 million to influence the 2018 midterm elections.

The billionaire struck a deal with utilities DTE Energy and Consumers Energy to produce a minimum 25 percent of their energy from renewable sources – wind and solar – and another 25 percent from energy efficient measures by 2030.

News of the deal “has left many in Michigan wondering what happened to the established process for setting energy policy,” according to Jason Hayes at the Journal. Realizing that convincing citizens to support the lofty and costly goals of the plan in the voting booth would be a challenge, the utilities signed an agreement with Steyer; no matter that it short circuited the democratic process.

Michigan already has the highest electricity rates of any of the Great Lakes states, and most residents are forced to buy the services of DTE or Consumers, according to Hayes, “and one thing is certain: Michigan households and businesses will soon be paying more to keep the lights on.”

Steyer has taken the people of Michigan to the cleaners.

DESPITE THE DENIALS by Sen. John McCain (RINO-AZ) that he supported the IRS targeting of conservative groups seeking tax-exempt status, documents obtained by Judicial Watch show that a former staff director for McCain – Henry Kerner – reportedly asked the IRS what tools it had to monitor and crack down on organizations that may be abusing their nonprofit status.

“McCain has long urged more government restrictions on free speech and activity,” The Federalist reported this week, “He notably criticized the Citizens United ruling, calling it the ‘most egregious decision of the United States Supreme Court in the 21st century,” because it enabled corporations to spend money on political messaging via independent nonprofit organizations.

And who can forget the McCain-Feingold legislation?

                 May God bless the United States of America.