Our future leaders? … laugh-of-the-day … expediting the Court nominee … Germany’s lesson on open borders … millionaires flee California … and is it Hillary in 2020?

Here are my observations and opinions on selected news of the day.

I’VE WARNED YOU to expect the left to attack whomever is nominated to the Supreme Court.  It has already begun. But you simply must take the time to see a video produced by Craig Phillips at Campus Reform, who interviewed college students about President Trump’s selection BEFORE … yes, BEFORE … he made his decision.  Click here to see your possible future leaders respond to a selection that had yet to be made.

LAUGH-OF-THE-DAY – Appearing on Meet the Press Sunday, Sen. Dick Durbin told his Democrat colleagues running for re-election in the midterms that they should risk losing and vote against President Trump’s Supreme Court nominee. Do you think for a minute that he would take that risk? LOL

“I will tell you, the men and women that I work with on the Democratic side really take this seriously. They understand it’s a historic decision. It’s about more than the next election. I think each and every one of them take that seriously, that personally. It goes beyond the next election.” – Sen. Dick Durbin 7/8/18

FYI – Ten Senate Democrats who are up for re-election represent states won by Trump in 2016, half of which went for Trump by double digits.

AN INTERSTING IDEARush Limbaugh suggested that Majority Leader Mitch McConnell should use the power of his position to forgo the meaningless time-consuming photo-op chit chat sessions in the offices of Judiciary Committee members and expeditiously schedule a hearing for the nominee next week, to be followed by a confirmation vote before senators head for home in August to campaign. It would take away their opportunity to badmouth the nominee and their attempt to garner support at home to resist the president’s choice.

I have my doubts that McConnell, generally a stickler for Senate tradition and rules, would have the courage to expedite the vote in this manner. Understandably, he may view that it would unnecessarily antagonize the Democrats who he believes will cross over and vote for the nominee in the end.

WE SHOULD LEARN FROM GERMANY’S mistake in opening its border to more than a million refugees, predominantly Muslims, from the Middle East. They passed through Greece, Hungary and Italy on their way to the greener pastures of Germany, and France and England as well.

“Now the realization is dawning that few, if any, are going to turn into Germans or become assimilated into the host culture,” writes Michael Walsh in PJ Media, who said that the people should have known that Chancellor Angela Merkel’s social experiment in soft-headed egalitarianism was doomed to failure.

“What the Germans expected to welcome people fleeing oppression, and who would abide by German norms of social civility, which would include peace and (especially) quiet, who would quickly learn to converse and interact on a sophisticated level – who would become, in short, exactly like Germans, says Walsh.

“What they got was an Islamic rabble wholly uninterested in Germany except how to exploit its hospitality while loudly complaining about it,” added.

MILLIONAIRES FLEE CALIFORNIA, a headline in Forbes magazine over a piece written by Patrick Gleason, caught my eye. “California lost an estimated 138 high-income individuals following passage of the Proposition 30 income tax increase championed by Democrat Gov. Jerry Brown and approved by voters in 2012.

The information was revealed in new research by Charles Varner of the Stanford Center on Poverty and Inequality. Prop. 30 raised the state’s income tax rate by more than 29 percent – 32 percent for incomes between $500,000 and 1,000,000 and 21.5 percent for incomes between $300,000 and $500,000.

(Courtesy of cartoonist A.F. Blanco.)

MEANWHILE – California Democrat Nancy Pelosi wants to take away the Trump administration’s tax cuts from the state’s middle class and has threatened to do so if Democrats regain control.

HAVE YOU HEARD? – It’s sounding like Hillary Clinton is planning another run for the presidency in 2020. My editor and I see her as the Democrat’s “Harold Stassen,” who unsuccessfully ran for the presidency as a Republican nine times between 1944 and 1992.

      May God bless the United States of America.