In appreciation of Schiff … Dems out for GOP’s Stefanik … minorities view media as out to get Trump with impeachment … Buttigieg, Harris struggling … the ‘Rev’ reaps … and the Arizona Republic on the wrong side again

Here are my observations and opinions on my selected news of the day.

PERHAPS YOU DIDN’T NOTICE – While the pathetic Adam Schiff was gaveling down Republicans in his impeachment hearing, President Trump’s overall approval tracked up from 46 percent to 50 percent during the impeachment hearings in Rasmussen’s Daily Presidential Tracking Poll.  And at the end of the week, the Dow closed at its highest point EVER …  28,000.

FOR WHAT IT’S WORTH – “House Speaker Nancy Pelosi issued a stark warning to Democrats seeking the party’s 2020 presidential nomination: chasing a socialist utopia will alienate needed supporters to win against President Trump next November,” writes Tristan Justice in The Federalist.

“As a left-wing San Francisco liberal, I can say to these people: What are you thinking?” she said during an interview with Bloomberg News.  “You can ask the left – they’re unhappy with me for not being a socialist.”

Former President Obama, too, warned that “most voters aren’t the same as “left-leaning Twitter feeds,” and “don’t want to see crazy stuff” from Democrat presidential candidates.”

THE LONG KNIVES ARE OUT for Republican House Representative Elsie Stefanik for taking on Adam Schiff for his bullying hearing tactics Friday.  George Conway, the loose cannon husband of White House Counselor Kellyanne Conway, referred to Stefani as “lying trash” in a tweet requesting contributions to her opponent.

Washington Post columnist Jennifer Rubin referred to Stefanik’s effort to get through to the gavel-banging Schiff as throwing a “temper tantrum.”

Isn’t it interesting that the left gets away with belittling women, while painting the Republican Party as anti-women?

HOW BLACKS VIEW THE IMPEACHMENT EFFORT – In a national voter survey by Rasmussen Reports between November 12-13, 2019, those surveyed were asked “When they (reporters) write or talk about the impeachment effort, are most reporters trying to help impeach President Trump or block his impeachment? Or are most reporters simply interested in reporting the news in an unbiased manner?”

Rasmussen reports that 53 percent of black voters and 60 percent of other minorities, compared to 51 percent of whites, responded that reporters are trying to get Trump rather than report the news fairly, according to Craig Bannister of CNSNews.

MEANWHILE – Democrat presidential candidates Pete Buttigieg and Kamala Harris are facing different difficulties in their campaigns.

Harris, who is black, has been a marginal candidate, and with the help of ABC, is asking if Democrats were ready for a black woman nominee.

The Daily Wire notes that Harris’ campaign woes are her own failures and cannot be blamed on her skin color or sex in a party that once nominated Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton.

Buttigieg is struggling in the South with little or no black voter support. There was no question that support for an openly gay candidate was a “generational” issue for older black voters and would affect Buttigieg’s popularity in South Carolina, according to Rep Jim Clyburn.

“I know a lot of people my age that feel that way,” Clyburn, 79, said.  “I’m not going to sit here and tell you otherwise.  I think everybody knows that’s an issue.”

“They are religious and he’s gay,” says Andrea Gillespie, a political scientist at Emory University, who studys black political behavior.

THE REV REAPS the rewards of his own charity.  The Rev. Al Sharpton raked in $1,046,948 from his own charity last year – the National Action Network – according to NAN’s latest tax findings, reports Robert Miller in The New York Post.

That’s a salary of $324,000 (32 percent higher than in 2017), a bonus of $1,259,596, and $563,352 in “other compensation.”

If you’re wondering about those back taxes you’ve heard about, Sharpton finally paid off his personal tax debt to New York, which last year stood at $95,031.21.  He still owes nearly $700,000 in back taxes for three of his companies.

He raised eyebrows last year when NAN’s filing revealed that Sharpton had sold the rights to his story to his own charity for $531,000, according to Miller.

A reminder: The Democrat presidential candidates all signed on with the Rev to support reparation for blacks.

I WAS PLEASED TO SEE that someone else has noticed that the Arizona Republic is the pits.  The “newspaper” didn’t like the fact that Arizona Cardinal fans didn’t respect Colin Kaepernick’s effort to come back after three years.  Writing @azcentral, the left-leaning paper wrote: “Cardinal fans apparently against signing a player with a conscience.”

A conscience?  He has a conscience?

In response, @javelinabomb wrote: “The Arizona Republic is such a grubby liberal rag now.”

May God continue to bless the United State of America.