Trump’s choice, Tuberville wins Alabama primary … Sessions graceful in defeat … Geraldo Rivera makes ridiculous prediction … vaccine progress … socialist Seattle … Sen. Blackburn take on BLM … and 86 percent of shootings in Oakland, California go unreported

Here are my observations and opinions from my select news of the day.

A NICE MAN AND A GENTLEMAN, Jeff Sessions, lost his bid to regain his senate seat in Alabama Tuesday night.  Although he was soundly defeated by Tommy Tuberville, Trump’s choice, he stated that he would proudly support Tuberville and President Trump.

Sessions was the lone senator to endorse Donald Trump in 2015, and was an active player in his campaign.  President Trump rewarded Sessions for his loyalty by selecting him to be his attorney general.

The president was greatly disappointed with Sessions’ decision to recuse himself in the Russian collusion investigation and eventually let him go with his best wishes.  Later, on a number of public occasions, Sessions continued to support Trump, while never backing off his decision to recuse himself.

I recall during Sessions’ recusal announcement that he sought the advice of career ethics experts in the Department of Justice, believing that his personal and political relationship, covered in a DOJ regulation, necessitated it.

Mr. Nice Guy, not yet familiar with the workings of those “career ethics experts” in the Deep State, seemingly accepted their advice in good faith.  A big mistake.

Even disgraced FBI Director James Comey later testified that Sessions’ recusal wasn’t required because the Russian investigation was not a criminal investigation.

There’s a saying that “nice guys finish last,” and Sessions surely lost to Tuberville, but had he not recused himself, he just might still be attorney general.

GERALDO RIVERA, Fox News Channel contributor, often boasts of his decades-long friendship with Donald Trump whenever he plans to say something of a negative nature about the president.

Appearing as a panel member along with fellow Fox reporters discussing the upcoming presidential election, Rivera made the wild prediction that if there isn’t a vaccine for the coronavirus by October, President Trump will not be reelected.

There are “Jonas Salk’s” at a number of pharmaceutical companies in the United States and abroad busily working on 100 potential vaccines. Yesterday, Moderna released positive news based on early vaccine trials, but large group trials still need to be conducted.  The possibility of an end-of-year success seems more feasible, but still a stretch.

Rivera should stick to telling stories gathered over his 50-year journalism career.

REGARDING THAT VACCINE – You may recall that President Trump launched “Operation Warp Speed,” with an ambitious goal of having millions of doses available by the end of the year; an effort at a scale and speed never before attempted.   At the time, Dr. Anthony Fauci was “cautiously optimistic” that a vaccine could be ready by early 2021.

Developing a vaccine by the end of the year or even by next summer would shatter the world record for the fastest vaccine ever developed, which currently stands at four years, writes Mike Bebernes, Editor, Yahoo News.

WORKERS IN SEATTLE have been struggling a lot of late.  In March, there was the lockdowns from the Covid-19 pandemic that caused the city to experience the biggest spike in unemployment in the country.

Then, in early June, Atifa and other left-wing radical activists took control of several blocks in the downtown for several weeks while the mayor and the police force looked away.  That was until the shootings began.

What better time to impose a new tax burden on its residents? On July 6, the council passed the so-called “JumpStart Tax,” which targets middle-class jobs. It will apply to businesses with a total payroll of $7 million or greater, according to Brad Polumbo, writing at

It will impose an additional 0.4 to 2.4 percent payroll tax on jobs that pay an annual salary of $150,000 or higher.  The revenues will pay for much-needed social service programs such as housing subsidies.

Conveniently, the council exempted all government employees from their new tax.  Some 600 city employees earned $195,000 or more.  Analysts for OpenThe noted that tree trimmers earn $160,604; the chief librarian $197,704; electricians $271,070; electrical lineworkers $307,387 and police officers $414,543.

INCIDENTALLY, Spokane’s city fathers have extended an invitation to companies in Seattle to move to Spokane.

THERE’S MORE – Councilwoman Kshama Sawant, an avowed socialist, promises to “take into public ownership of the top 500 corporations and banks that dominate the U.S. economy, and overthrow the “racist, sexist, violent, utterly bankrupt system of capitalism.”

(Courtesy of AF Branco)

LET’S HEAR IT FOR SEN. MARSHA BLACKBURN, the Republican senator from Tennessee, who tweeted about the Black Lives Matter movement being run by trained Marxists, an admission by BLM co-founder Patrisse Cullors.  Few Republicans have voiced their concern for BLM, presumably out of fear of some form of retribution.

“We cannot allow our great country to be destroyed under the pretense of social justice,” she wrote.

RESPONSE FROM THE LEFT – “You are inbred racist trash. Please f**k off,” wrote Adam Parkhommeko, Democrat strategist and former field director for the DNC. It wasn’t surprising to learn that he was co-founder and executive director of Ready for Hillary.  The Democrat Party should be so proud of him.

NEWS FROM OAKLAND – There have been 180 firearm assaults in Oakland, California so far this year, up 34 percent from last year.

But get this … 86 percent of the shootings go unreported.

Oakland invested in a piece of high tech – ShotSpotter – that pinpoints gunfire in 30 seconds, anywhere within a 16-sqaure mile area.

Nice, for gathering statistics, I guess.

May God continue to bless the United States of America.