Getting the kids back in school … the politically correct nonsense … from the Redskins and Aunt Jemima to Mutual of Omaha … attacking Kayleigh … Zogby surfaces Reagan quote … and the hypocritical Biden

Here are my observations and opinions from my select news of the day.

“YOU EITHER BELIEVE THE SCIENCE OR NOT,” says former chief of neuroradiology at Stanford University Medical Center, Dr. Scott Atlas, adding there are “zero excuses” to keep children from returning to schools in the fall.

“There is virtually zero risk for children getting something serious or dying from this disease,” he said.  “It’s true that there are high-risk teachers and those teachers should be able to believe in their social distancing and masks.”

Referring to Germany, Denmark, Sweden and Norway, Dr. Atlas says, “we are the only country not opening schools.  This is absurd.  Look at the science … critical thinking and logic.”

Dr. Atlas points to the full learning experience our children need, including social interaction and hands-on teaching.

I COULDN’T CARE LESS that the Washington NFL team caved to pressure from big money – FedEx and Nike – to rid itself of that nasty name, the Redskins, and that blood-thirsty Indian in its helmet logo.  However, now we a learning that in a national poll conducted by Morning Consult, 49 percent of respondents believed the Redskins name should be kept.  Just 29 percent favored a change, while another 22 percent was unsure.

While the poll did not break out Native American respondents, historically they have been widely supportive of the Redskins name.  In a 2016 Washington Post poll, 90 percent of them were not bothered by the name.

Then why all the fuss?  Could it be anonymous Cowboys fans who finally engineered this?  Now there’s a conspiracy theory I could buy into.


IT DOESN’T STOP THERE – Mutual of Omaha plans to replace its longtime corporate logo, which for 70 years has featured a stylized depiction of a Native American chief.  The insurance company cited “the nationwide movement calling for racial justice” as the reason for making the change.

Further, the firm stated that the move is “consistent with our values and our desire to help overcome racial bias and stereotypes.”

Whatever happened to the company’s original decision to feature the Plains Indian in recognition of their values of character, honesty and care for their members?

Incidentally, the firm will also donate an additional $1 million to the $2 million it donates annually to community-based initiatives to address racial equality and social justice.  At the same time, the company’s management team will undergo training on …. wait for it … diversity.

The company didn’t reveal whether it had yet been approached by Black Lives Matter for support of its movement.

KAYLEIGH’S NOTES BINDER (reuters/jonathanernst)

SHE’S ORGANIZED – White House press correspondents haven’t been happy with  Kayleigh McEnany’s performance as press secretary because she frequently turns the table on them and asks them why they haven’t given any coverage to this or that accomplishment of the administration.

This past week, a photograph that was taken by Jonathan Ernst of Reuters showed her briefing book with its organized tabs on a variety of topics. That gave them “red meat.”   Mueller was spelled “Meuller,” and the “q”
was missing from the tab labelled “lgbt.”

That tells you a lot about the caliber of individuals she faces daily.

LEAVE IT TO JOHN ZOGBY, founder of the Zogby Poll and an anti-Trumper, to remind us of the iconic quote from President Reagan – “Are you better off than you were four years ago?’ – while grading President Trump with an “F” in last week’s White House Report Card.

Social justice, Covid-19 and Trump’s campaign team realignment were considered in the report.

Despite Zogby’s rather smarmy response to the president’s week, I believe there are many people who would answer “yes” to that question, including me.

My financial well-being remains stable, and I have to believe those who are on unemployment, receiving more than they would on the job, would agree they, too, are doing better financially.

While Reagan’s quote was a campaign line addressed to individual voters and their wallets, it’s the broader U.S. economy that must continue to reopen to make things truly as they were before the virus.

I am not overly concerned over Covid-19.  I view the CDC guidelines as a nuisance, but I do follow them as recommended.

I am concerned with America being accused of “systemic racism” by the Black Lives Matter movement and those who have foolishly been taken in by the organization, but I don’t believe it for a moment.

Last week was just that.  A blip.  We have fifteen more weeks before the election, and I remain confident in the president’s reelection.

HYPOCRITICAL BIDEN – While Joe Biden claims to focus on main street and criticizes President Trump’s frequent mentions of the stock market and Wall Street, Biden just accepted $1 million from billionaire hedge fund manager Stephen Mandel Jr, founder of Lone Pine Capital.

He won’t be questioned on it, because he doesn’t take questions.

Although billionaires, like everyone else, can only give $5,600 per election cycle directly to the campaign, they can give unlimited sums to super-PACs.

May God continue to bless the United States of America.