Democrats unfit to govern … the female vote … Biden, other Dems rejoice with Kathy Griffin … what an insult … Kamala Harris, too … post office flubs mail-in ballot test … and another excerpt from the high school history text

Here are my observations and opinions from my select news of the day.

UNFIT TO GOVERN – The evidence couldn’t be more clear.  Democrats are  incapable of governing well, or in some cases, such as Seattle or Chicago, governing at all, according to Richard Turnquist, a libertarian, appearing on the Kim Monson Show in Denver.

“Every single city that has problems with decaying infrastructure, gentrification, crime, violence, homelessness and other pathologies are governed by Democrats,” he said.

“We are fortunate indeed to have real world results that we can look at for how well or how poorly governing philosophies and agendas work.  America’s major cities have been dominated by the Democrat Party for decades and the results are in:

All but three of America’s largest cities are run by Democrat mayors.  The three largest – New York, Los Angeles and Chicago are losing population every year.

“Several of the most violent cities in America, including Albuquerque, Memphis, Detroit, Chicago and Washington DC are run by Democrats.

“They promise boundless cornucopia of ‘free’ (i.e. taxpayer-funded) services and programs to meet every demand of the creeping socialism we’re seeing in America, at the cost of trampling people’s constitutional rights including property rights.

The top ten states in best economy rankings are all Republican controlled except for Nevada and North Carolina, where they have a Democrat governor.

All of the bottom ten in the economic rankings are Democrat-controlled with two exceptions: Minnesota has a Republican senate and Vermont has a Republican governor.

“We need to sweep (Democrats) from office and turn our government over to public servants – not overlords – who understand the proper role of government and who will enact laws that preserve and protect our rights, not trample them,” concluded Turnquist.

HOW CAN WE BELIEVE that women are turning on President Trump after all of the promises he has kept and then some?  I have to believe that the stories and polls out there are just part of the leftist media propaganda machine designed to make women for Trump question their support for his reelection?

What’s really difficult for me to accept is that the media wants us to believe that women prefer government dependency over their lives to the freedoms and liberty promoted by the Republican Party.

“Women will have an enormous -perhaps pivotal – role in deciding” who will be elected president in November, writes Susan Milligan in the left-leaning U.S. News & World Report.

Her article, “What Women Want,” misses because the piece is primarily a rehash of the close votes between Clinton and Trump in 2016.

She got it right when she noted that the “major concern for women is economic issues,” as with men.  However, most men will find her statement that they are “thinking about the stock market, while women are worried about their own family’s financial security,” ludicrous.  That’s an insult to men.

I would like to believe Milligan when she writes, “women don’t vote as a monolithic group, nor do they vote on so-called women’s issues, such as reproductive rights, sexual harassment prevention and child care,” but the Women’s March speeches and images do not support that.

“Women are becoming more engaged in the political process,” according to research conducted by the left-leaning Barbara Lee Family Foundation.

I wonder, in what way?  What are they reading? Who are they listening to? Are they listening to those with divergent views?

BIDEN AND OTHER DEMOCRATS unashamedly rejoiced Saturday night at an L.A. Democrat Party awards dinner honoring … wait for it … comedian Kathy Griffin, who infamously posed with a model of severed head resembling President Trump in 2017.

While Joe Biden sent a video greeting to attendees of the virtual event billed as the 2020 JFK Awards, he would probably deny knowing who would be honored, but he certainly knew what was taking place.

Kamala Harris, presumably still on Biden’s list as a possible running mate, received the JFK Profile in Courage award, for what we don’t know, while other left-leaning notables, Maxine Waters, Adam Schiff and Ted Lieu were on hand.

(Courtesy of Tom Stiglich)

A MAIL-IN BALLOT TEST to check the system upon which the government will entrust the sanctity of the ballot this November conceived by CBS News failed, and the U.S. Postal Service flubbed it, reports Rick Moran of PJ Media.

It proved that the 100 million or more Americans who plan to mail in their ballots should not expect their vote to be counted unless they mail it weeks prior to the election deadlines in each state.

But are you aware that nearly all states still allow voters to request ballots less than a week before the election?


HERE’S AN INTERESTING EXCERPT from “A People’s History of the United States,” from the day of Martin Luther King’s “I have a dream” speech in Washington:

“Martin Luther King’s speech there thrilled 200,000 black and white Americans – ‘I have a dream’ – It was magnificent oratory, but without the anger that many blacks felt.

“When John Lewis, a young Alabama-born SNCC leader, much arrested, much beaten, tried to introduce a stronger note of outrage at the meeting, he was censored by the leaders of the march, who insisted he omit certain sentences critical of the national government and urging militant action.”

After reading that encounter, I have to believe that King would not have approved of Lewis’ reference to President Trump as a racist.

May God continue to bless the United States of America.