Salvaged From My Stack of Stuff


PET ROCK OWNERS BEWARE – If you are a known owner of a collectible pet rock purchased on a whim in the 1970s, there soon may be someone knocking on your door to confiscate it.


It occurred to me as I read the story of the University of Wisconsin paying $50,000 to have a 70-ton rock, that had become known as Chamberlin Rock, removed from the campus.

Named for Chamberlin Hall, a former university president, had been referred to as “n****r head rock, according to a 1925 newspaper story.  It had to go.  And it required the approval of the Wisconsin Historical Society because it was located within 15 feet of a Native American burial site.

(Photo by Al Freni/The LIFE Images Collection/Getty Images)

Chamberlin Hall was not known to have racist thoughts or writings, but that didn’t matter.  The same is true about the late Gary Dahl, inventor of the Pet Rock, but he became a millionaire, and it isn’t fair. 

Dahl passed away at age 78 in 2015, but those pet rocks he created must be confiscated, because they represent an American success story.  And heaven forbid, some of them were inscribed with an American flag.

YOU MAY HAVE HEARD that that all-knowing Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, the scientific body convened by the United Nations, has again released a major report concluding that the world cannot avoid some devastating impacts of climate change, but there is still a narrow window to keep the devastation from getting worse.

The latest study, 3,000 pages in length, features the work of 234 authors, who were able to synthesize the work of 14,000 studies by scientists in nearly 200 member states.  Their conclusion: humanity is to blame for rising temperatures.

“Keep in mind that the IPCC report is a political document,” notes the Wall Street Journal editorial board, “It is intended to scare the public and motivate politicians to reduce CO2 emissions no matter the cost.”

The left-leaning USA Today frantically asked, “Is There Anything We Can Do to Fix it?” and published advice from experts across the nation. “That’s why we’ve launched a whole-of-government response to the climate crisis.  We’re going to create good-paying jobs along the way,” was the brilliant response from White House National Climate Advisor Gina McCarthy.

The best response to climate change came from John Kerry, Biden’s climate czar:

“Paris alone is not enough.  Not when almost 90 percent of all of the planet’s global emissions come from outside of U.S. borders.  We could go to zero emissions and the problem isn’t solved.” – John Kerry, January 27, 2021

We’ve already spent trillions of dollars subsidizing renewable energy with no effect on climate.  It has to stop.

AND YOU THOUGHT Joe Biden won the presidency.  That massive multi-trillion-dollar budget resolution is the product of none other than Bernie Sanders

“It’s a full-on attempt to remake the American economy, the labor markets, blow off our immigration laws, rewrite the tax code, impose a climate agenda, and profoundly alter the relationship between the government and those it governs,” according to The Federalist’s daily, Bright.

(REUTERS/Brian Snyder )

FOR THE LOVE OF KAMALA – There’s a dislike of Vice President Harris among Americans and Democrat strategists are convinced it’s just a messaging problem. “If they could only explain to those silly voters why they should like Harris, then her dreams of winning the presidency in 2024 would be realized,” writes Amber Athey in The Spectator.

That was an example of the “elitist arrogance” surfacing at a crisis dinner for Harris that brought a legion of female Democrat strategists together to help solve the problem.

Interestingly, spokeswomen for Hillary Clinton were invited for their experience in forcing an unsuitable and unlikable candidate on the voters.

(Joe LoScalzo, AP)

RINO LIZ CHENEY’S DEFECTION to participate in Nancy Pelosi’s scam investigation of January 6, 2021 didn’t endear her with the right.  Responding to her Tweet @Liz_Cheney: “What’s happening in Afghanistan is catastrophic. Withdrawing US forces is allowing terrorists & their allies to take over the country,” Human Events editor-in-chief Will Chamberlain Tweeted @willchamberlain: “You had twenty years to win the War in Afghanistan.  If you don’t like the outcome, that is on you.”

Now, more than ever … may God continue to bless the United States of America.