Wind Turbine Projects Face Further Doom


I know, you’re probably tired of reading about windmills.  After a quick review of my blog archives, I noted that I have written a great deal about both wind and solar as alternative energy sources, including “Just Whistling in the Wind, about a year ago.

Sorry, but it’s time for a brief update, because President Biden will certainly be talking about his “successes” in combatting climate change in campaign speeches. … read more

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2024 Presidential Election Report No. 3



Rumors about Biden’s reelection are flying in Washington circles, including one in which former President Obama advised him to quit the race, convinced he’s lost his grip.  There’s even one in which Biden plans to exit the race in July, with Michelle Obama replacing him.

“(These rumors) should be taken with a grain of salt,” writes Matt Margolis in PJ Media, while adding “there are plenty of reasons to believe them.” … read more

From My Stack of Stuff


Air Power for Peace

All caught up with the Michigan Wolverines taking the National Championship and the political dueling in Iowa and New Hampshire, the story of the testing of the first B-21 Raider stealth bomber wound up on my stack of stuff. 

THE B-21 RAIDER (Photo by Andrew Kenei)

The initial B-21, one of six pre-production models the Air Force plans to acquire, has been making test flights out of Edwards Air Force Base in California since November, but only became known to the public recently.… read more

An Unusual View of Trump by a Leftist Columnist


I recall my delight, in 2017, when I read that Bret Stephens was leaving the Wall Street Journal for the New York Times.  It was a natural move for someone with leftist opinions on politics, which he also shares with viewers of MSBNC and NBC. Still, the opinions of the Journal’s editorial board, cannot always be counted on to be conservative.… read more

UAW Leadership Endorses Biden, But Not So Fast


“We need to know who’s gonna sit in the most powerful seat in the world and help us win the united working class,”

Those were the words of United Auto Workers President Shawn Fain officially endorsing President Biden’s reelection on Wednesday, recalling that Biden was the first president to join a union picket line last summer.… read more

2024 Presidential Campaign Report No. 2


An Unusual Approval

Arguably one of the smartest men on Wall Street, JPMorgan Chase CEO Jamie Dimon, not a conservative, warned Biden and Democrats against continued demonization of Trump and MAGA voters, suggesting it could backfire on them.

“I mean, really, can we just stop that stuff and actually grow up and treat other people with respect and listen to them a little bit?”read more

The Six ‘C’s’ in Climate News: CO2, China, Coal, Czar, Cheating and Charging


Carbon Dioxide (CO2)

“While CO2 is portrayed now as the cause of damaging extreme weather, our research indicates these extremes are not becoming more intense or frequent; thus CO2 cannot be the cause of something not occurring.” – John Cristy, Climatologist and Professor of Atmospheric Science, University of Alabama

Yet, President Biden and his friends at the World Economic Forum want us to spend trillions more in taxpayer dollars on what they refer to as “climate friendly initiatives,” wind and solar, and has called for a full transition to electric vehicles.… read more