Republicans Need to Coalesce Behind Jordan as Speaker


If the members of the U.S. House of Representatives are smart, they’ll avoid a repeat of the ridiculous 15-vote sideshow that finally gave Rep. Kevin McCarthy the speakership in January, and elect Ohio Rep. Jim Jordan on the first vote to show unity.

(Saul Loeb photo/Getty Images)

The disgraceful “Gang of 8” especially need to unite behind Jordan with the hope that their colleagues will put their past foolish gamesmanship behind them.… read more

Hillary Suggests Seventy Million Trump Supporters Be Deprogrammed


It’s been just seven years ago that Hillary Clinton suggested that half of Donald Trump’s supporters belong in a “basket of deplorables,” but she surfaced this week to recommend now that “there needs to be a formal deprogramming of the cult members.”

A Refresher


It was on September 10, 2016 and there was only 60 days left in the 2026 campaign. … read more

Milley, Newsom and the Gaetz Gang are My October Fools


Regular readers will recall the pleasure I get in nominating someone to receive Kramerontheright recognition as my first of the month Fool’s Day recipient, even when it is a bit belated this month.

My belatedness provided me with an opportunity to select from a host of Washington fools, reminding me of the book, “Ship of Fools,” written by Tucker Carlson about five years ago.… read more

Biden Taking America Down the Path to Ruin


Every so often, there’s a timely surfacing of several issues that give me the opportunity to comment on how they, intertwined, are taking America down a path to ruin led by the left’s progressive movement.

In this edition, using the news, I will attempt to explain how the Democrat Party, unions, academia, environmental activists, and an uninformed public, all aided by a compliant media, are responsible for the ill-advised transformation of our democracy.… read more

Generals: Damned if They Do, Damned if They Don’t


Regular readers will recall my displeasure with our deteriorating military forces under the Biden administration, from Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin, a retired general, retiring Chairman of the Joint Chiefs Gen. Mark Milley, and the individual service chiefs.

The study of critical race theory, renaming our military bases in the spirit of wokeism, and the adherence to addressing the existential threat of climate change has replaced the serious study of warfare and preparedness.… read more

Appropriate Dress and Decorum in the House and Senate


For years I have been poking fun at Congress, especially the Senate, that insists on referring to itself as the “most August body,” or “hallowed ground” as Sen. Robert Byrd once called it.

Hearing members refer to another as “my good friend from …” when you know it’s probably not true, is part of the civility and the image of statesmanship that that is expected of them when they take the oath.… read more

Everything is Political in the Biden Era


About ten years ago, I established as a political blog with a conservative viewpoint.  Looking back, nearly all of my commentary was about left versus right politically, domestic and foreign policy differences, liberalism versus conservatism. That was also true of op-eds and letters to editors I wrote prior to establishing my blog.… read more

Trump Will Be There to Support Pro-Lifers


I am a pro-life individual with natural human concerns about abortion, and despite comments I have read by writers I respect, I simply cannot get excited over their writing off former President Trump for his statements on Meet the Press.

“My analysis of the former president’s breakup with the pro-life movement: Abortion was the single biggest issue that led to Donald Trump winning the 2016 election. read more