Hillary mocks Trump’s view of the plight of blacks

“Dwayne Wade’s cousin shot dead while pushing her baby in stroller on South Side.”– Chicago Tribune, Aug. 27, 2016

There stood Hillary Clinton, speaking before a predominantly white audience in Reno, Nev. this week, scoffing at Donald Trump’s comment that “you walk down the street and get shot, and mocking his description of black communities  in insulting terms – “poverty, horrible education, no housing, no homes, no ownership, high crime levels.”  Two days later the above headline appeared in the Chicago Tribune. Continue reading

Comey’s protection of Hillary Clinton serves to encourage WikiLeaks’ Assange

I found it interesting that Fox’s Chris Wallace, commenting on the prospect of an October surprise based on documents that might be supplied by Julian Assange of WikiLeaks, found it “highly distasteful” that we are anxiously awaiting them to see how they will affect our presidential race. Continue reading

Student debt creates ripple effect

A friend recently commented how the Democrats are so free with our money when it comes to their claim that America’s children have a right to free college, while imposing costly regulations on business, that must in turn reduce the number of new hires, leaving graduating students with no job prospects. Continue reading

Time to remember Margaret Thatcher

The next time you hear Hillary Clinton talk about another huge stimulus to fund the biggest enactment in good paying jobs since World War II (more shovel-ready jobs) … free community college … student debt relief … day care assistance … Hillary Care with lower premiums and deductibles … and the other free stuff, remember the words of a proven female leader, Margaret Thatcher. Continue reading

Obama’s non-endorsement of Hillary

“I can say with confidence there has never been a man or woman – not me, not Bill, nobody – more qualified than Hillary Clinton to serve as president of the United States of America.” – President Obama

It’s hard to believe that the narcissistic Obama could give Hillary Clinton such an unbelievable endorsement at the Democrat convention, but, as the former radio great Paul Harvey used to say, “now the rest of the story.” Continue reading