Democrats not democratic

In my Feb. 7, 2016 post, “Words have meaning,” I stated why I do not refer to that other party as the Democratic Party, because it really isn’t democratic. To me, it is the Democrat Party. I was pleased to see the editorial board of Investor’s Business Daily seems to agree, although it continues to be politically correct, and uses the official name of the party.

“The Democratic Party had better reeducate itself about the word “democratic,” IBD stated in its Feb. 10, 2016 editorial, “Is There Anything Less Democratic Than the Democratic Party?” IBD told how Hillary Clinton collected the same number of electoral college delegates (15) as Sen. Bernie Sanders, even though he crushed her 60 to 38 percent, calling it “just plain rigging.” Continue reading

The wasted New Hampshire primary

It’s over, and nothing has changed, except I no longer have to listen to the ridiculous stories about New Hampshire voters, who don’t make up their minds until they step into the voting booth. Balderdash! For what? The entire effort there was for naught, a waste.

The “live free or die” people of the Granite State had an opportunity to right the GOP ship, giving us a clear choice going forward, and they failed us. Continue reading

Words have meaning

“Conservatives should not play into liberals’ hands by allowing them to reinvent themselves as “progressives” because they know “liberal” is a pejorative term,” – Rep. Lamar Smith (R-TX)

During a nine-year stint in the hill country of Texas, my conservative political views were published there as letters to the editor and as op-eds. The Boerne Star graciously allowed me to present views counter to those expressed in a regular column written by Kendall County Democrats entitled, Progressive Views. Continue reading

A quote worth sharing

Every once in a while, there’s a nugget in “Notable & Quotable,” a feature usually found at the bottom of The Wall Street Journal’s op-ed page, and on Feb. 2, 2016 there was one of those worth sharing with those of you who may have missed it. If you are a fan of the PBS TV series Downton Abby, especially of the actress Maggie Smith, it will be even more meaningful.… read more

Views on the climate change snow job

Earlier this week, I began writing another piece on the continued effort to convince us that we, and the carbon dioxide we emit, are the cause of global warming and ultimately the weather disasters around the world.

A full page in the Jan. 24, 2016 USA Today devoted to how weather made news world-wide in 2015 was the impetus. I saw it as another liberal snow job to promote the reduction of carbon emissions, which “they” would have us believe causes extremes in weather – hurricanes, cyclones, record heat, floods and drought.

As I began to draft this piece critical of the USA Today scare tactic, an article in the Jan 25, 2016 Wall Street Journal, “The Climate Snow Job,” came to my attention. “The notion that world-wide weather is becoming more extreme is just that,” wrote Patrick J. Michaels, a climatologist and Director of the Center for the Study of Science at the Cato Institute. Click here, to read his interesting column.

I stored this piece in “Drafts” while I concentrated on more topical news – Iran, ISIS, Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump. Continue reading

A different view of the Lott/Daschle book

A read of The Wall Street Journal’s Bookshelf column, “In Praise of the Political Insider,” a review of the Lott/Daschle collaboration, Crisis Point, by Mark Salter will give you a totally different perspective than mine posted here yesterday.

Salter, a former administrative assistant to Sen. John McCain, who collaborated with the senator on several books, certainly presents a myopic view of former senators Lott and Daschle.… read more

Lott and Daschle – Are you kidding me?

While conservative voters are trying to make up their minds to support one of the “outsiders,” who promise to overhaul Washington’s ways, or one of the senators or governors who have records of accomplishment, who returns to the scene but former Senators Tom Daschle and Trent Lott to tell us how to change things.

Former Senators Tom Daschle and Trent Lott at the WBUR studios. ()Jesse Costa/WBUR)

Former Senators Tom Daschle and Trent Lott at the WBUR studios. (Jesse Costa/WBUR)

The pair have collaborated on a book, “Crisis Point: Why We Must and How We Can Overcome Our Broken Politics in Washington and Across America,” their prescription for change.

Here we are in the midst of a political revolution, the result of an angry public disgusted with Washington DC, a president who lives by executive order, and a polarized Congress and these guys believe they have the solution.

You will remember that they formed a joint leadership during the 50-50 Senate in 2001. That worked well didn’t it. Continue reading

IBD sees ISIS as the real enemy too

After posting my thoughts here that we now have a plan to reduce carbon emissions over the next 50 years, but lack a plan to destroy ISIS today, I was pleased to see the Investor’s Business Daily editorial position, Leaders 41D2aX1fSvL__SY300_Fight Phony Climate Enemy – Solving Real Problems Too Hard. “What better enemy for them to tackle than one that can’t be seen, whose damage can’ be quantified, and which can’t fight back?” IBD states.

“They should get serious about eradicating terrorism. Climate change has harmed no one, but terrorists continue to slaughter in large numbers – nearly 33,000 people were killed just last year in terrorist attacks,” according to the IBD editorial. Continue reading