John Kerry, negotiator extraordinaire

There he was this weekend, Secretary of State John Kerry, touting the Paris agreement on global emissions reduction he negotiated for the United States; the same John Kerry who negotiated the nuclear deal with Iran.

Kerrey (

Master negotiator John Kerry touted his Paris agreement on carbon emissions reduction this weekend. (

Understandably, Kerry spent most of his time defending the lack of any provision for enforcing the “pledged” reductions by the 185 countries, saying that “If there had been a penalty, we wouldn’t have gotten agreement. So it has to be voluntary.  We got the best deal we could.” Continue reading

No strategy to defeat ISIS today, but we have a plan for reducing carbon emissions over next 50 years

“The agreement represents the best chance we have to save the one planet that we’ve got.” – President Obama

Grammar aside, on Saturday our president touted the “Paris agreement” on reducing carbon emissions as a landmark climate pact.

“We came together around a strong agreement the world needed. We met the moment, and we’ve shown what’s possible when the world stands as one.”… read more

Businesses fall in line on emissions reduction

Call it extortion, coercion, shakedown, squeeze, blackmail or simply arm-twisting – whatever – but more than 100 companies now say climate change poses a risk to America’s prosperity and want the government to take action to address the risk. Some of the same companies that want the government out of their business.

LOGOS 2To show their support, they signed-on to a full-page ad in the Wall Street Journal, “Business Backs Low-Carbon USA,” in coordination with a number of environmental activist groups. The company logos from the ad are shown here.

Like the auto manufacturers who, over the years, have caved to the government’s auto and truck café standards for added miles per gallon and lower emissions, most of these companies, I believe, have folded under pressure. They don’t need activist groups making their lives miserable. Continue reading

Julian Castro at center of investigation at HUD

“The OIG has determined that the contents of this report would not be appropriate for public disclosure and has therefore limited its distribution to selected officials.” – Office of the Inspector General, HUD

A report that the IG of the Department of Housing and Urban Development found discrepancies during a financial statements audit wasn’t too surprising as HUD has been found not in compliance before.  The recent findings, however, were particularly interesting because of its head, Julian Castro.


Julian Castro’s problems at HUD could blunt his chances to be named Hillary Clinton’s running mate, but they would make a good pair. (

During my residence in the San Antonio area, the San Antonio Express-News continuously promoted Mayor Castro as one of the nation’s up and coming Latinos; a rising star.  Much was made of his roots with a grandmother who came from Mexico.  Hardly a day went by that his picture wasn’t featured.  He was said to be on the short list to be Hillary Clinton’s running mate. Continue reading

What’s wrong with the Republican Party? Let me count the ways

My wife and I stopped contributing to the Republican National Committee (RNC) years ago when my personal letters written to former chairman Michael Steele were ignored; yet we still receive mailings asking this question.


Another mailed RNC survey to tell them what they already know.

This mailing contained still another survey, asking for our position in a yes or no format regarding immigration, ObamaCare, taxes, regulation and the EPA, climate change, Planned Parenthood, defense, and the Iran nuclear deal.

The survey looks very official, complete with a registration number and a section reserved for office use only, complete with a bar code.

Really, Chairman Priebus, you don’t know where your party stands on these issues? Continue reading

Court says President Obama not above the law on immigration deportation ploy

“The president must follow the rule of law, just like everyone else.” – Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton

Referencing President Obama’s effort to defer deportations for more than four million undocumented immigrants by executive order, Paxton said, “Today, the Fifth Circuit (U.S. Court of Appeals) asserted that the CourtSealusccourts.copm)separation of powers remains the law of the land,” and added that “throughout the process, the Obama administration has aggressively disregarded the constitutional limits on executive power.”

Under the innocuous title, Deferred Action for Parents of Americans and Lawful Permanent Residents (DACA), it was devised to apply to the millions who have been in the country since 2010 and have a child who is a U.S. citizen or permanent resident.  The court has blocked the president’s ploy. Continue reading

University of Missouri caves to intimidation

The resignation of the University of Missouri’s president and chancellor over racial issues was almost predictable.

We’ve seen intimidation in its many forms of late. We see it in our schools across the nation. Administrators buckle to someone who opposes prayer at a football game, or someone who is offended by a tee shirt with an American flag worn by a student.


(Cartoon courtesy of Steve Benson, The Arizona Republic)

We saw the Occupy Movement disrupt cities. The so-called “99 percenters” blocked sidewalks, camped out in parks and defecated in the streets of New York while the Democrat mayor supported them.

The spate of racial incidents can be traced to Ferguson, Missouri, when President Obama sent his attorney general, Eric Holder, there in response to the actions of a white police officer who shot and killed an unarmed black man. And, we heard crazy claims of oppression and disenfranchisement. Continue reading

Legacy-minded Obama hands GOP campaign issues

It’s amusing to see President Obama, so set on his legacy of met campaign promises that he doesn’t see that his failures not only doom his legacy, but hand the eventual Republican nominee issue upon issue to use against Hillary Clinton.

President Obama has handed the eventual GOP nominee a long list of issues to use against Hillary Clinton, who will be running for Obama’s third term. (

Unfortunately, in the process of his attempt to transform our nation, he is destroying the fabric of America. And he still has 13 months to complete his mission.

His lack of a foreign policy has made the United States a laughing stock. His feckless inability to commit to a strategy to rid the Middle East of ISIS and al Qaeda is further evidence of his failure to use the military power at his disposal.

The nuclear agreement with Iran is so important to the president’s legacy that he’s willing to sign it regardless that it doesn’t stop Iran from developing a nuclear weapon, and will provide Iran with billions of dollars to pursue its “death to America and Israel” goal.

Meanwhile, Russia’s Putin operates as he wishes in the Middle East. Continue reading

An uptick in climate control news as United Nations conference in Paris nears

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Paris will host the UN conference on climate beginning Nov. 30. (

As the Nov. 30, convening of the UN Climate Change Conference in Paris draws near we are already beginning to see an uptick in communications on climate change.

In the past week, the news seems to favor those of us who don’t buy the scare tactics of those who predict doom and gloom. Today’s USA Today seems to poke fun at President Lyndon Johnson’s 1965 science advisory committee report that carbon dioxide levels would increase enough to almost certainly cause significant changes in the temperature and other properties of the stratosphere by the year 2000. Continue reading

The climate of corruption continues in the Obama administration as Lois Lerner skates

“Our investigation uncovered substantial evidence of mismanagement, poor judgment … but poor judgment is not a crime.” – Asst. Atty. Gen. Peter Kadzik

Secret e-mail accounts and a coincidental server crash are meaningless.

lerner( photo)

Mismanagement and poor judgment are not a crime said a DOJ report on its investigation of Lois Lerner and the IRS targeting of conservative groups. (

In his letter regarding the investigation of Lois Lerner and the IRS to the House Judiciary Committee, Kadzik stated that “What occurred is disquieting and may necessitate corrective action; and while they found mismanagement and poor judgement, (they found) no evidence that would support a criminal prosecution.”

While the work of the Select Committee on Benghazi is yet to be completed, Kadzik’s statement reminded me of one of the findings of the Accountability Review Board on Benghazi. Continue reading