Will Obama’s intimidation of the court backfire?

In a January post, I indicated my concern that the Supreme Court would decide in favor of the administration in King v Burwell, the ObamaCare case challenging an IRS rule granting tax credits to individuals in the 34 states that didn’t adopt a state exchange.

My position hasn’t changed in the subsequent six months.  Perhaps it’s the unending string of bad news emanating from the nation’s capital that causes my pessimism.

The president, obviously concerned that his already crumbling key piece of legislation will go down in a court decision, soon to be announced, has again directed unprecedented criticism toward the court.

During a press conference at the G-7 summit in Germany earlier this month, he suggested the court would be ignoring established legal guidance if it ruled against the administration.  “This should be an easy case, “he said, “frankly it probably should have stayed out of this fight.”  So much for our Constitutional genius in the White House.

Speaking at the Catholic Health Association conference,  he warned, “Do they (the court) really wish to cause the massive societal upheaval that would come from killing a law that is now a routine part of American life?” Continue reading

The Admiral Mullen/Bergdahl saga continues

Regular readers of this blog might recall my April 18, 2015 post, “Another example of Admiral Mike Mullen’s complicity,” in which I wrote about his conversation about the Bergdahl desertion with troops in Afghanistan during his December 2009 trip.

Now, thanks to the able investigative reporting of Fox’s Catherine Herridge, we learn that the admiral had two of Bergdalhl’s squad mates  sign non-disclosure statements about Bergdahl. … read more

Democrats fail in another major city

                “Deadly month sees 35 killings in Baltimore.”

                                                    – The Baltimore Sun, Crime Beat



Baltimore Mayor Stephanie Rawlings-Blake proves she’s in over her head. (nbcnews.com)

When I saw that headline I couldn’t help but remember the gratuitous statement made by Baltimore Mayor Stephanie Rawlings-Blake at the National Action Network gathering held just after the riots.

“If, with the nation watching, three black women at three different levels can’t get justice and healing for this community, you tell me where we’re going to get it in our country,” said the mayor, referring to Attorney General Loretta Lynch, State’s Attorney Marilyn Mosby, and herself.

On May 26, with the news of 35 homicides in Baltimore- the city’s deadliest month since 1999 – she sent her spokesman to say that she is “disheartened and frustrated by this continuing violence, particularly when you think about the progress that the city has made.”

Progress? Continue reading

Progressives pushing for more handouts

There he stood – New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio – on the steps of the nation’s Capitol, flanked by the most liberal of liberals, including Al Sharpton and Representatives Raul Grijalva, John Conyers, Barbara Lee and Keith Ellison, all purveyors of the “taker” culture.

By now you have most likely heard about his 13-point Progressive Agenda, his attack on income inequality, recommending what he calls bold steps to make a difference for ”every day Americans.”  He jumps from increasing the minimum wage to $15 an hour, national paid sick leave and paid family leave, universal pre-K and after school programs and childcare, to closing tax loopholes that allow CEOs and hedge fund managers and billionaires to avoid – are you ready for it – “paying their fair share in taxes.”

deBlasio (usatoday.com)

Flanked by Washington’s purveyors of the “taker” culture, NY City Mayor Bill de Blasio outlines his 13-point Progressive Agenda. (usatoday.com)

He promises there’s more in his agenda, including the expansion of Social Security, debt-free college and investments in schools, not jails.

Ironically, President Obama was speaking at Georgetown University that day saying, “I think the effort to suggest that the poor are sponges, leaches, don’t want to work, are lazy, undeserving, got traction.” Continue reading

First Lady plays the race card

Did you hear about the First Lady playing the race card at the dedication of the Whitney Museum in New York?

In 2008, I wonder many voters thought the election of black president would put an end to the racial divide they imagined in this country.  Actually, he’s made matters worse as he sends in his Department of Justice; first Eric Holder and now Loretta Lynch, to interfere in state and local matters.

michelle-obama-whitney (twitch.com)

First Lady Michele Obama told an audience at the Whitney Museum that museums and other cultural centers are welcoming only to whites. (twitchy.com)

Enter the First Lady, Michele Obama.  Speaking at the dedication of the $429 million Whitney museum, she told the assembled audience that museums and other cultural centers are really only welcoming to white people.

“You see, there are so many kids in this country who look at places like museums and concert halls and other cultural centers and they think to themselves, well, that’s not a place for me, for someone who looks like me, for someone who comes from my neighborhood,” she said.  “In fact, I guarantee you that right now, there are kids living less than a mile from here who would never in a million years dream that they would be welcome in this museum,” she added. Continue reading

Hillary to continue dividing the nation

“ … the deck is still stacked in favor of those already at the top.  And there’s something wrong with that. There’s something wrong when CEOs make 300 times more than the typical worker.” – Hillary Clinton

While the latest news of corruption from the Clinton crime family is sorted out, and we are again told there’s no shred of evidence, let’s return to Hillary’s initial campaign charges in the above quote.… read more

A crash course analogy

After hearing one more statement or action taken by President Obama, do you feel helpless, unable to do anything about it?  Your Congressman never responds and letters to the editor only allow you to get it off your chest.  Helpless and hopeless, you feel locked out.

Hopeless (kitchentablenewsforkidsa.wordpress.com)

We’re at the intersection of Discouraged and Hopeless and all we can do is hang in there until 2016. (kitchentablenewsforkids.wordpress.com)

A friend recently sent me a copy of an analogy to this currently circulating on the Internet.

The writer* relates the harrowing 8-minute plunge of German Wings Flight 9525 in the French Alps, in which 150 innocent people met an immediate, unthinkable death.

The co-pilot Andreas Lubitz couldn’t be stopped because he had locked the pilot out of the cockpit. “It’s hard to imagine the growing feelings of fear and helplessness that the passengers felt as the unforgiving landscape rushed to meet them,“ the writer stated.

He wrote of the feeling in the pits of the stomach and hearing the shake and rattle of structures stressed beyond their limits.  And it was only near the end of the 8-minute plunge that everyone finally understood what was really happening and began to scream. Continue reading

You have to be a champion, Hillary, before you can champion for everyday Americans

“Everyday Americans need a champion.  And I want to be that champion.” – Hillary Clinton

Well, she’s in.  And she wants you to think the election isn’t all about her, but about the forgotten middle class with “the deck stacked in favor of those at the top.”

Her low-key social media announcement features everyday Americans – a black couple, Asians, Hispanics, white working-class people of all ages, students and, yes, two men who are planning to get married. … read more