… read moreThe purpose of this commentary is not to review the polls pointing to the fact that Americans believe our country is headed in the wrong direction and that the president gets poor grades for his handling of key issues. And it isn’t necessary to remind you that his honesty and trustworthiness have been questioned or that he was recently ranked the worst president since World War II.
Big Government
Pelosi’s statement backfires
Regular readers of this blog and my op-eds will recall that I have often written about the bogus war on women Democrats claim Republican are waging.
A host of liberal women took to the microphones to assault the Supreme Court Justices who decided in favor of Hobby Lobby in its recent ruling. House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi, was so incensed she called a press conference, only to have it backfire.
If you didn’t see Megyn Kelly’s powerful response to Pelosi on the July 10, 2014 Kelly File, I invite you to click here. Again, Pelosi is caught commenting on something without any knowledge of the facts and with no compunction to lie.
“She misspoke,” Pelosi’s spokesman Drew Hammill acknowledged to PolitiFacts, “Obviously the impact of the court’s decision is not to make these four contraceptive methods illegal –i.e. no longer allowed to be sold,” he confessed.
PolitiFacts called Pelosi’s sweeping claim “false.” Isn’t it convenient how someone can go before the press and make a blatant untruthful statement only to have someone else say, ‘Oops, she misspoke.’ And, of course, the correction is rarely covered by the press. Continue reading
Great Lakes ice-cover cyclical
As a native of Michigan, I found it interesting to note the misinformation on Great Lakes ice-cover published by the government in the latest National Climate Assessment.
It further supports my view that billions of dollars are wasted by government climate change studies, touched on in my post, Climate change to cause civil and political unrest, July 6, 2014.… read more
D’Souza’s “America” worth seeing
I saw Dinesh D’Souza’s latest movie, America, Imagine the World Without Her, yesterday and highly recommend it to you. It’s in a theater near you, I’m sure. If you saw D’Souza’s first documentary, 2016, Obama’s America, you will be equally impressed with this film.
Invite a low-information friend to join you or take your kids, especially teenagers; those home from college.
Climate change to cause civil, political unrest?
ASU to study if climate change will spur unrest, read the headline of an article hidden at the bottom of a single column on page A-17 among advertisements in the Arizona Republic, July 4, 2014.
Up front, I agree that the climate is changing, as it has as far back as records have been kept and beyond. … read more
Why regaining the senate is so vital
The 5-4 vote by the Supreme Court in the so-called Hobby Lobby case should serve as a wake-up call for conservatives who still haven’t understood the importance of gaining Republican control of the Senate in the mid-term elections this fall.
If you needed a clearer reminder why a Republican senate is so imperative, the vote in opposition by liberals on the Court, including Obama appointees Elena Kagan and Sonya Sotomayor, is it. Continued Democrat control of the senate will assure the nomination of left-leaning individuals should one or more vacancies occur during the remainder of Obama’s term.
Regular readers of this blog know that I have been reminding you that we need to win six seats in November, most likely in Arkansas, Montana, Louisiana, South Dakota, North Carolina and West Virginia, where incumbent Democrats are most vulnerable.
From time to time I happen to be on the same page with Fox’s Bill O’Reilly and, his June 30, 2014 Talking Points on this subject was one of those occasions. It was refreshing because most of the media is inaccurately reporting the implications of the Court decision. And, I noted Hillary Clinton, speaking in Aspen, also misinterpreted the decision; undoubtedly to support her “war on women” agenda.
“The Obama administration wants all corporations to fund things like the morning after pill, which many religious Americans believe is an abortion-inducing medication,” said O’Reilly, but adds, “the national media did not report that … (continuing) to say the Hobby Lobby case is about birth control per se, which it is not.”
Disturbed by the Court opinion of the four liberal justices, O’Reilly states they “apparently believe that American taxpayers should fund abortions.” Noting the fact that religious freedom is a hallmark of the Constitution, he points to the liberal vote as contradicting the Constitution, and “that’s frightening.” Continue reading
What energy policy?
And she wants to be president, Part 2
“I’m not equipped to sit and look at blueprints to determine where the blast walls need to be, where the reinforcements need to be. That’s why we hire people who have that expertise.” – Hillary Clinton, June 10, 2014
I’d like to say I was shocked when I heard this response from Hillary Clinton during her book tour interview with ABC’s Diane Sawyer, who pressed the former secretary of state over the preparedness of the U.S.… read more
Take IRS scandals seriously
I hope you are as outraged as I am over the IRS “loss” of e-mails in the Lois Lerner scandal over the targeting of conservative organizations. Keep in mind that this is the result of big government’s culture of corruption conceived by bureaucrats who think we taxpayers aren’t paying attention.
I’m sorry to say many are not, or don’t see how it affects them. … read more
In pursuit of the “there there”
It’s getting tiresome watching Democrats stand before phalanx of microphones spouting the party line about the thousands of pages of IRS documents supplied to a half dozen or so House and Senate committees and, enough already, there’s no “there there.”
No “there there” means, you’re not going to tie the scandal to anyone in the White House, especially the president. They usually follow with a reference to a Republican “witch hunt” or a “fishing expedition.” This is serious. We cannot give up.
As I pointed out in Part 1 of my blog series, Understanding the IRS scandal, March 10, 2014, the president used his bully pulpit during the State of the Union Address on January 2010 to publically chastise members of the Supreme Court for their decision on Citizens United. A host of Democrat senators, led by Sen. Charles Schumer (D-NY), got the message and sent letters to the IRS to tighten the rules.
It’s the way President Obama works. He tells us what he’s going to do, as when he told us he had a pen and a phone, and if Congress stood in his way, he’d find a way to get something done. Continue reading